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Is there a way to have a Rust closure that moves only some variables into it?

I have a general struct with settings and an extra variable setting that I want to tune and play around with.

For all possible values in an integer range, I want to start a (scoped) thread with this variable set to that value. Depending on this value, they do slightly different work.

Each of these threads should be able to read the general settings struct.

use crossbeam; // 0.7.3

struct Settings {
    // ... many fields

const MAX_FEASIBLE_SCORE: u8 = 10;

fn example(settings: Settings) {
    crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
        for score in 0..MAX_FEASIBLE_SCORE {
            scope.spawn(|_| {
                let work_result = do_cool_computation(&settings, score);
                println!("{:?}", work_result);

fn do_cool_computation(_: &Settings, _: u8) {}

This does not compile:

error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `score`, which is owned by the current function
  --> src/lib.rs:12:25
10 |     crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
   |                       ----- has type `&crossbeam_utils::thread::Scope<'1>`
11 |         for score in 0..MAX_FEASIBLE_SCORE {
12 |             scope.spawn(|_| {
   |                         ^^^ may outlive borrowed value `score`
13 |                 let work_result = do_cool_computation(&settings, score);
   |                                                                  ----- `score` is borrowed here
note: function requires argument type to outlive `'1`
  --> src/lib.rs:12:13
12 | /             scope.spawn(|_| {
13 | |                 let work_result = do_cool_computation(&settings, score);
14 | |                 println!("{:?}", work_result);
15 | |             });
   | |______________^
help: to force the closure to take ownership of `score` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword
12 |             scope.spawn(move |_| {
   |                         ^^^^^^^^

This would invalidate &settings since the first loop iteration will take ownership of settings in a move closure.

The only easy ways to make it work were:

  • copy the Settings struct into each thread (which in my real application is rather expensive)
  • introduce an Arc around settings, which also feels a bit unfortunate.

Is there a way that we can circumvent reference counting here? Is there a way we can move score into the inner closure while still being allowed to reference settings?

like image 394
Qqwy Avatar asked Oct 19 '19 00:10


People also ask

What is a move closure in Rust?

Moving closures Rust has a second type of closure, called a moving closure. Moving closures are indicated using the move keyword (e.g., move || x * x ). The difference between a moving closure and an ordinary closure is that a moving closure always takes ownership of all variables that it uses.

What is the type of a closure Rust?

A closure type is approximately equivalent to a struct which contains the captured variables. For instance, the following closure: #![ allow(unused)] fn main() { fn f<F : FnOnce() -> String> (g: F) { println!

How do closures work in Rust?

Rust's closures are anonymous functions you can save in a variable or pass as arguments to other functions. You can create the closure in one place and then call the closure elsewhere to evaluate it in a different context. Unlike functions, closures can capture values from the scope in which they're defined.

What is a move Rust?

When doing assignments ( let x = y ) or passing function arguments by value ( foo(x) ), the ownership of the resources is transferred. In Rust-speak, this is known as a move. After moving resources, the previous owner can no longer be used.

2 Answers

Yes, it is possible to move only one or some variables into a closure (rather than all or none).

Yes, this can be used to "circumvent" reference counting.

I found an answer in the documentation of rayon::scope that turns out to be exactly about this problem: 'Accessing the stack data [from within a scoped threads scope]'. That page also has an example that is clearer than the pseudocode in this question.

It turns out that you can either:

  • Use a move closure but refer to variables in the outer scope by shadowing them with a reference, therefore capturing them by reference rather than by value, using let settings = &settings:

    crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
        let settings = &settings; // refer to outer variable by reference
        for score in 0..MAX_FEASIBLE_SCORE {
            scope.spawn(move |_| {
                let work_result = do_cool_computation(settings, score);
                println!("{:?}", work_result);
  • Use a normal closure, and only move the required variables by shadowing them inside the closure using let score = score:

    crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
        for score in 0..MAX_FEASIBLE_SCORE {
            scope.spawn(|_| {
                let score = score; // capture only score
                let work_result = do_cool_computation(&settings, score);
                println!("{:?}", work_result);
like image 76
Qqwy Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10


The closure! macro gives the ability to selectively reference, move, or clone variables into a closure.

Example taken from the docs:

use closure::closure;

let string = "move".to_string();
let x = 10;
let mut y = 20;
let rc = Rc::new(5);

let closure = closure!(move string, ref x, ref mut y, clone rc, |arg: i32| {

Variables that are captured but not listed default to being moved.

like image 38
Tobu Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10
