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Is there a way to drag & drop to copy files between two visual studio 2008 instances?

Is there a way to copy files between two Visual Studio 2008 instances ? A plugin, setting, or something else ? Currently, dragging a file from one instances to another does nothing (mouse shows that it's invalid operation).

Right-clicking a file and selecting "Copy" from instance 1, and pasting in instance 2 results in the following error:

The source files for this operation cannot be found in this solution.

Any ideas or solutions ?

like image 354
Matthew M. Avatar asked Mar 27 '09 16:03

Matthew M.

1 Answers

About the only way you can do that, is to right-click, Add Existing Item and browse for the file. Ridiculous, I know, but thats the way it is ;)

like image 172
hmcclungiii Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 03:11
