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How can I renew my expired ClickOnce certificate?

I need to make some changes to a ClickOnce application that I haven't touched for over a year and therefore the certificate has expired.

I've read that publishing with a new certificate will make the application fail, because it will be signed with a different key.

Therefore I think I need to use the same certificate but not sure how to renew it.

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HAdes Avatar asked Nov 11 '08 09:11


People also ask

How do I extend my certificate expiration?

The certificate expiration date is encoded in its body and cannot be changed. To extend the secure connection, it is necessary to replace the expiring certificate on hosting server by a new one with an extended validity period.

What happens if digital certificate expired?

Expired digital certificates can cause a network outage or downtime incurring adverse effects on an organization's network and functionality. Digital certificates like TLS/SSL certificates play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of your website.

1 Answers

If you're after a quick solution, then you can "renew" your existing certificate and just give it a longer expiry date.

Cliff Stanford has cleaned up the Microsoft "workaround" and made it available as a simple command line exe - available here: http://may.be/renewcert/ - Nice work Cliff !

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Andy Blackman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Andy Blackman