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Looking for C# equivalent of scanf




I used to code in C language in the past and I found the scanf function very useful. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent in C#.

I am using using it to parse semi-structured text files.

I found an interresting example of scanf implementation here. Unfortunately, it looks old and incomplete.

Does anyone know a scanf C# implementation ? Or at least something that would work as a reversed string.Format?

like image 727
Larry Avatar asked Jan 23 '09 07:01


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2 Answers

Since the files are "semi-structured" can't you use a combination of ReadLine() and TryParse() methods, or the Regex class to parse your data?

like image 186
Mitch Wheat Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Mitch Wheat

If regular expressions aren't working for you, I've just posted a sscanf() replacement for .NET. The code can be viewed and downloaded at http://www.blackbeltcoder.com/Articles/strings/a-sscanf-replacement-for-net.

like image 39
Jonathan Wood Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Jonathan Wood