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Is there a more direct method to convert float to int with rounding than adding 0.5f and converting with truncation?

Conversion from float to int with rounding happens fairly often in C++ code that works with floating point data. One use, for example, is in generating conversion tables.

Consider this snippet of code:

// Convert a positive float value and round to the nearest integer
int RoundedIntValue = (int) (FloatValue + 0.5f);

The C/C++ language defines the (int) cast as truncating, so the 0.5f must be added to ensure rounding up to the nearest positive integer (when the input is positive). For the above, VS2015's compiler generates the following code:

movss   xmm9, DWORD PTR __real@3f000000 // 0.5f
addss   xmm0, xmm9
cvttss2si   eax, xmm0

The above works, but could be more efficient...

Intel's designers apparently thought it was important enough a problem to solve with a single instruction that will do just what's needed: Convert to the nearest integer value: cvtss2si (note, just one 't' in the mnemonic).

If the cvtss2si were to replace the cvttss2si instruction in the above sequence two of the three instructions would just be eliminated (as would the use of an extra xmm register, which could result in better optimization overall).

So how can we code C++ statement(s) to get this simple job done with the one cvtss2si instruction?

I've been poking around, trying things like the following but even with the optimizer on task it doesn't boil down to the one machine instruction that could/should do the job:

int RoundedIntValue = _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(FloatValue));

Unfortunately the above seems bent on clearing out a whole vector of registers that will never be used, instead of just using the one 32 bit value.

movaps  xmm1, xmm0
xorps   xmm2, xmm2
movss   xmm2, xmm1
cvtss2si eax, xmm2

Perhaps I'm missing an obvious approach here.

Can you offer a suggested set of C++ instructions that will ultimately generate the single cvtss2si instruction?

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NoelC Avatar asked Jan 04 '17 02:01


1 Answers

This is an optimization defect in Microsoft's compiler, and the bug has been reported to Microsoft. As other commentators have mentioned, modern versions of GCC, Clang, and ICC all produce the expected code. For a function like:

int RoundToNearestEven(float value)
   return _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(value));  

all compilers but Microsoft's will emit the following object code:

cvtss2si  eax, xmm0

whereas Microsoft's compiler (as of VS 2015 Update 3) emits the following:

movaps    xmm1, xmm0
xorps     xmm2, xmm2
movss     xmm2, xmm1
cvtss2si  eax,  xmm2

The same is seen for the double-precision version, cvtsd2si (i.e., the _mm_cvtsd_si32 intrinsic).

Until such time as the optimizer is improved, there is no faster alternative available. Fortunately, the code currently being generated is not as slow as it might seem. Moving and register-clearing are among the fastest possible instructions, and several of these can probably be implemented solely in the front end as register renames. And it is certainly faster than any of the possible alternatives—often by orders of magnitude:

  • The trick of adding 0.5 that you mentioned will not only be slower because it has to load a constant and perform an addition, it will also not produce the correctly rounded result in all cases.

  • Using the _mm_load_ss intrinsic to load the floating-point value into an __m128 structure suitable to be used with the _mm_cvt_ss2si intrinsic is a pessimization because it causes a spill to memory, rather than just a register-to-register move.

    (Note that while _mm_set_ss is always better for x86-64, where the calling convention uses SSE registers to pass floating-point values, I have occasionally observed that _mm_load_ss will produce more optimal code in x86-32 builds than _mm_set_ss, but it is highly dependent upon multiple factors and has only been observed when multiple intrinsics are used in a complicated sequence of code. Your default choice should be _mm_set_ss.)

  • Substituting a reinterpret_cast<__m128&>(value) (or moral equivalent) for the _mm_set_ss intrinsic is both unsafe and inefficient. It results in a spill from the SSE register to memory; the cvtss2si instruction then uses that memory location as its source operand.

  • Declaring a temporary __m128 structure and value-initializing it is safe, but even more inefficient. Space is allocated on the stack for the entire structure, and then each slot is filled with either 0 or the floating-point value. This structure's memory location is then used as the source operand for cvtss2si.

  • The lrint family of functions provided by the C standard library should do what you want, and in fact compile to straightforward cvt* instructions on some other compilers, but are extremely sub-optimal on Microsoft's compiler. They are never inlined, so you always pay the cost of a function call. Plus, the code inside of the function is sub-optimal. Both of these have been reported as bugs, but we are still awaiting a fix. There are similar problems with other conversion functions provided by the standard library, including lround and friends.

  • The x87 FPU offers a FIST/FISTP instruction that performs a similar task, but the C and C++ language standards require that a cast truncate, rather than round-to-nearest-even (the default FPU rounding mode), so the compiler is obligated to insert a bunch of code to change the current rounding mode, perform the conversion, and then change it back. This is extremely slow, and there's no way to instruct the compiler not to do it except by using inline assembly. Beyond the fact that inline assembly is not available with the 64-bit compiler, MSVC's inline assembly syntax also offers no way to specify inputs and outputs, so you pay double load and store penalties both ways. And even if this weren't the case, you'd still have to pay the cost of copying the floating-point value from an SSE register, into memory, and then onto the x87 FPU stack.

Intrinsics are great, and can often allow you to produce code that is faster than what would otherwise be generated by the compiler, but they are not perfect. If you're like me and find yourself frequently analyzing the disassembly for your binaries, you will find yourself frequently disappointed. Nevertheless, your best choice here is to use the intrinsic.

As for why the optimizer emits the code in the way that it does, I can only speculate since I don't work on the Microsoft compiler team, but my guess would be because a number of the other cvt* instructions have false dependencies that the code-generator needs to work around. For example, a cvtss2sd does not modify the upper 64 bits of the destination XMM register. Such partial register updates cause stalls and reduce the opportunity for instruction-level parallelism. This is especially a problem in loops, where the upper bits of the register form a second loop-carried dependency chain, even though we don't actually care about their contents. Because execution of the cvtss2sd instruction cannot begin until the preceding instruction has completed, latency is vastly increased. However, by executing an xorss or movss instruction first, the register's upper bits are cleared, thus breaking dependencies and avoiding the possibility for a stall. This is an example of an interesting case where shorter code does not equate to faster code. The compiler team started inserting these dependency-breaking instructions for scalar conversions in the compiler shipped with VS 2010, and probably applied the heuristic overzealously.

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Cody Gray Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Cody Gray