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C++/Threading : No instance of constructor "std::thread::thread" > matches the argument list

I've been having some problems with threading because I am very new to it.

I am getting a:

no instance of constructor "std::thread::thread" matches the argument list

argument types are(void() )

Precisely at

 std::thread t1(TestPlay);

    void CMusicTCPDlg::OnBnClickedBtplaymusic()
            std::thread t1(TestPlay);


    void CMusicTCPDlg::TestPlay()
        if (CFugue::GetMidiOutPortCount() <= 0)
            std::cerr << "No MIDI Output Ports found!";

        std::cout << "Playing Notes..";
        CFugue::PlayMusicStringWithOpts(_T("C D E F G A B"), MIDI_MAPPER, 20);

I've reffered to some threading pages and most had a simple example like mine.

Visual Studio advises me to use & before calling the function but it won't work with it. Do I have to work with BackgroundWorker instead?

Really sorry if this is duplicate. Thank you!

like image 377
Cattani Avatar asked Nov 23 '16 17:11


Video Answer

1 Answers

TestPlay is a member function, this means its type of void (CMusicTCPDlg::)().

You will need to provide a bound version to allow the thread to call it: std::bind(&TestPlay, this). Be aware that you MUST make sure the thread does not exist for longer than the object itself or you will cause undefined behavior. (It will execute a function on a non-existant object)

like image 115
Kiskae Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
