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Why is a globally define static variable being reset?



My code is very large, but I'll try to minimize it here as best as possible.

Basically I want to define a string that is modified in only one place (my main) and then be read in my entire program.

My defines.h is included everywhere so in there I defined.

static std::string MAINLOG = "RANDOMNES";

In my main function I do:

for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++){

    // Do stuff       

    prepDbugDir();  // This sets MAINLOG to "CORRECT_VALUE"

    std::cout << "Before " << MAINLOG << std::endl;

    // Call a class function whose includes include my defines.h

    std::cout << "After " << MAINLOG << std::endl;


And the print out of my file is


So my question is why and how can I get the value to be maintained inside my classes.

like image 435
aarelovich Avatar asked Oct 07 '16 14:10


People also ask

What are global variables Why are they sometimes declared as static?

A global static variable is one that can only be accessed in the file where it is created. This variable is said to have file scope. In C, the preprocessor directive #define was used to create a variable with a constant value. This still works in C++, but problems could arise.

Why are global variables always initialized to zero?

Global and static variables are initialized to their default values because it is in the C or C++ standards and it is free to assign a value by zero at compile time. Both static and global variable behave same to the generated object code.

Can the global static variable be changed?

There are similarities between a static variable in a function and a global variable. Both have a lifetime that is the same as that of the program as a whole. This means that any changes made to the static variable in the function are preserved between calls to the function.

What is the difference between global variable and static global variable?

A global variable can be accessed from anywhere inside the program while a static variable only has a block scope. So, the benefit of using a static variable as a global variable is that it can be accessed from anywhere inside the program since it is declared globally.

2 Answers

Every translation unit (.c or .cpp file, basically) that includes defines.h will have its own copy of the variable.

I believe declaring the global extern in the header

extern std::string MAINLOG;

and then defining it as a non-static global variable in any one of the .c or .cpp files

std::string MAINLOG = "RANDOMNES";

will solve the problem. But it's poor coding style, IMO. The C++ way would be at least a singleton class.

I can't give meaningful names without knowing the context, but the idea is as follows:


class Mainlog {
   Mainlog() = default; // Private default constructor

   static Mainlog& instance();

   static const std::string& get() {
      return instance().value;

   static void set(const std::string& newValue) {
      instance().value = newValue;

   std::string value {"RANDOMNESS"};

mainlog.cpp (don't put this in a header!)

Mainlog& Mainlog::instance() {
      static Mainlog mainlog;
      return mainlog;
like image 72
Violet Giraffe Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Violet Giraffe

Here's what I would recommend.

In defines.h:

const std::string& mainlog();

In main.cpp:

const std::string& mainlog() {
  static std::string MAINLOG = "CORRECT_VALUE";
  return MAINLOG;
like image 36
Donghui Zhang Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Donghui Zhang