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Is there a common lisp library for creating excel spreadsheets?

Is there a common lisp library for creating excel spreadsheets? I'd much much prefer that it output one of the XML formats.


To add some more context, creating a csv file from common lisp is pretty trivial, and that's what I'm doing now.

The XML Spreadsheet format is pretty simple, and there are common lisp libraries that make it easy to output arbitrary XML, so rolling my own would be pretty easy, but if something already exists to ease the process I would prefer that.

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Dan Becker Avatar asked Dec 27 '10 20:12

Dan Becker

2 Answers

buildnode seems to be what you want. It lacks documentation, but includes a basic working example of an Excel spreadsheet.

It's also quicklisp-installable, so easy to start playing with.

(ql:quickload 'buildnode-excel)... 

I'm just leaving this here, because I almost decided to write my own Excel generator before discovering buildnode.

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minya Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11


I haven't used it, but the xml-emitter library looks useful. It ought to be trivial to get the generated XML into Excel, or any spreadsheet.


Hope this helps!

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Daniel Ralston Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11

Daniel Ralston