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Spill ranges: casting arrays to intersection value with @

Before Excel introduced spill ranges, before the “@” operator, one could ‘cast’ a range into a single value with “0+” (numeric values) or “""&” (strings). But “@” isn’t quite the same.

Assume that there is a column of positive integers heading south from B4; and there is a row of positive integers heading east from D2; and that columns A and C and rows 1 and 3 are completely empty.

The object is to put into D4 a single spill formula, referring to something like $B$4# and $D$2#, that, when column integer bigger than row integer, calculates the pairwise Greatest Common Divisor of the two integers. Each of the desired spill cells is to be a pairwise GCD of just two integers.

So a candidate formula is:

= IF($B$4#>$D$2#, @GCD(@$B$4#, @$D$2#), "·")

Alas GCD sees two array parameters, rather two values cast/intersected taken from the two arrays, and so calculates the GCD of all these many integers, inevitably returning 1. Sigh.

Indeed, the next few don’t even spill.

= @IF(@$B$4#>@$D$2#, GCD(@$B$4#, @$D$2#), "·")
= IF(@$B$4#>@$D$2#, @GCD(@$B$4#, @$D$2#), "·")
= @IF($B$4#>$D$2#, @GCD(@$B$4#, @$D$2#), "·")
= GCD($B$4#, $D$2#)
= GCD(@$B$4#, @$D$2#)

Suggestions please.

(Mac Excel 16.32 (19120802) — which hopefully is irrelevant.)

Thank you.

like image 455
jdaw1 Avatar asked Jan 05 '20 15:01


People also ask

What is a spill range?

The term "spill range" refers to the range of values returned by an array formula that spills results onto a worksheet. This is part of Dynamic Array functionality in the latest version of Excel.

How do I stop formula spilling in Excel?

You can select the Error floatie, and choose the Select Obstructing Cells option to immediately go the obstructing cell(s). You can then clear the error by either deleting, or moving the obstructing cell's entry. As soon as the obstruction is cleared, the array formula will spill as intended.

How do you reference spill range in Excel?

When you're dealing with spilled array functions, such as SEQUENCE, it's possible to reference the entire spill range by placing the spilled range operator (#) after the range. In the following example, we have =SEQUENCE(10) in cell A2, which spills to A2:A11.

How do I remove an array spill in Excel?

Spill Range Is Not Blank If the spill range is visibly clear, but still causing spill error, click on the Select Obstructing cells option below the error message. This will highlight the cells that are obstructing the spill range. Delete them to remove the error.

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1 Answers

It will be a while before this is widely available but this can be done with a recursive LAMBDA.

Set the name

gcdArray =LAMBDA(vData,hData,vIndex,hIndex,
         g, GCD(INDEX(vData,vIndex),INDEX(hData,hIndex)),
         vFrame, IF(vIndex < COUNT(vData), IF(hIndex=1, gcdArray(vData, hData, vIndex+1, hIndex),""),""),
         hFrame, IF(hIndex < COUNT(hData), gcdArray(vData, hData, vIndex, hIndex+1),""),

Then use =gcdArray(B4#, D2#, 1, 1)

This can be modified to evaluate similar 2D functions in general. Set the names

eval2Drecur =LAMBDA(func,vData,hData,vIndex,hIndex,
        y, func(INDEX(vData,vIndex),INDEX(hData,hIndex)),
        vFrame, IF(vIndex < COUNT(vData),IF(hIndex = 1, eval2Drecur(func, vData, hData, vIndex+1, hIndex),""),""),
        hFrame, IF(hIndex < COUNT(hData), eval2Drecur(func, vData, hData, vIndex, hIndex+1),""),

 nameGCD =LAMBDA(x, y, GCD(x,y))

Then call =eval2Drecur(nameGCD, B4#, D2#, 1, 1)

Update for MAKEARRAY function

MAKEARRAY is still in beta. When it's released, it will simplify the answer.

         IF(c>d, GCD(c, d), "·"))))
like image 154
Axuary Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 11:10
