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Is the AccuWeather API free for commercial use?

I'd like to know if the AccuWeather API is free for commercial use. If not, how I can use it for commercial purposes?

Is there a totally free weather API that I can use for my app?

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Meroelyth Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 14:07


People also ask

Is there a free weather API?

OpenWeatherMapThe OpenWeatherMap API currently provides a wide variety of weather data including (but not limited to) current weather, forecasts, historical, weather stations, and weather alerts.

Does AccuWeather have an API?

AccuWeather offers different weather content as distinct APIs—including current conditions, daily forecasts, hourly forecasts, and indices—so developers call data as needed.

2 Answers

Accuweather data is not free. They will quote you for a custom service if you call their sales support. At one of my previous companies (circa 2007), we were able to get a contract with them for national hourly weather across their station network very cheap, but still not free.

If you are looking for free weather APIs, Please have a look at weather underground.

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mattexx Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09


I have looked in many weather data providers looking for free weather APIs and i found that Accuweather is not free, try yr.no I use it in my website via PHP

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sakher Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
