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Show weather based on users location

I am using a code that changes my wordpress website's background according to the Yahoo API URL I inserted. Is there anyway to make it automatically show the Visitors weather without any databases? I have though of using Google's API but I am a novice in programming and dont know how to implement it into my website. Please help! The code can be viewed here: http://css-tricks.com/using-weather-data-to-change-your-websites-apperance-through-php-and-css/

Please be thorough because I am new to PHP Thanks!

like image 945
user1373771 Avatar asked Aug 25 '12 22:08


People also ask

What is Open Weather Map API?

OpenWeatherMap is an online service, owned by OpenWeather Ltd, that provides global weather data via API, including current weather data, forecasts, nowcasts and historical weather data for any geographical location. The company provides a minute-by-minute hyperlocal precipitation forecast for any location.

1 Answers

You'll need an API for mapping visitors IP address to location ( ipapi.co ) and another one to get weather forecast for the location ( openweathermap.org ). The code below is for php (server side) :

# Part 1 (get latitude & longitude)
$ip = '';
$api_1 = 'https://ipapi.co/' . $ip . '/latlong/';
$location = file_get_contents($api_1);
$point = explode(",", $location);

# Part 2 (get weather forecast)
$api_2 = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=' . $point[0] . '&lon=' . $point[1] . '&appid=API_KEY';
$weather = file_get_contents($api_2);
like image 142
user6299091 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
