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How to get city code weather in AccuWeather?



Have someone ever use AccuWeather to search your country weather? I want to get my city weather code in AccuWeather who can help me? The code generate has form like this: EUR|DE|GM014|TORGAU. I can't find my city code (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

like image 982
Sovanrith Prak Avatar asked Sep 17 '12 03:09

Sovanrith Prak

2 Answers

to find your location use this link provided by the help in ubuntu


add your location at the end of the link


like image 200
Simon Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10


For Phnom Penh, the code you seek is ASI|KH|CB012|PHNOM PENH.

Now in general, getting that old style format is difficult because around the end of 2009 / beginning of 2010 they did away with that style of coding stations and replaced it with a newer, perhaps more friendly model. So new style,


will give you the current for Phnom Penh.

If you really really really need to find the old style codes, there is an awesome list here. I would recommend you download the list from here as it is gold at this point and then you can programmatically access it however you see fit. Regex would be a good bet as the format seems to be pretty consistent.

like image 37
demongolem Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10
