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Is it safe to delete a void pointer?

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What happens when you delete a pointer?

The address of the pointer does not change after you perform delete on it. The space allocated to the pointer variable itself remains in place until your program releases it (which it might never do, e.g. when the pointer is in the static storage area).

Should you always delete a pointer?

Also when you access freed memory you can't guarantee that the data that is returned to you is the data you wanted/expected, so you should only do delete pointers in the destructor of their owner or when you are sure that you won't need them anymore.

What is the purpose of a void pointer?

The void pointer in C is a pointer that is not associated with any data types. It points to some data location in the storage. This means that it points to the address of variables. It is also called the general purpose pointer.

What happens if you delete pointer twice?

If delete is applied to one of the pointers, then the object's memory is returned to the free store. If we subsequently delete the second pointer, then the free store may be corrupted.

Deleting via a void pointer is undefined by the C++ Standard - see section 5.3.5/3:

In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the operand is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the operand’s dynamic type and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined. In the second alternative (delete array) if the dynamic type of the object to be deleted differs from its static type, the behavior is undefined.

And its footnote:

This implies that an object cannot be deleted using a pointer of type void* because there are no objects of type void


It's not a good idea and not something you would do in C++. You are losing your type info for no reason.

Your destructor won't be called on the objects in your array that you are deleting when you call it for non primitive types.

You should instead override new/delete.

Deleting the void* will probably free your memory correctly by chance, but it's wrong because the results are undefined.

If for some reason unknown to me you need to store your pointer in a void* then free it, you should use malloc and free.

It depends on "safe." It will usually work because information is stored along with the pointer about the allocation itself, so the deallocator can return it to the right place. In this sense it is "safe" as long as your allocator uses internal boundary tags. (Many do.)

However, as mentioned in other answers, deleting a void pointer will not call destructors, which can be a problem. In that sense, it is not "safe."

There is no good reason to do what you are doing the way you are doing it. If you want to write your own deallocation functions, you can use function templates to generate functions with the correct type. A good reason to do that is to generate pool allocators, which can be extremely efficient for specific types.

As mentioned in other answers, this is undefined behavior in C++. In general it is good to avoid undefined behavior, although the topic itself is complex and filled with conflicting opinions.

Deleting a void pointer is dangerous because destructors will not be called on the value it actually points to. This can result in memory / resource leaks in your application.

The question makes no sense. Your confusion may be partly due to the sloppy language people often use with delete:

You use delete to destroy an object that was dynamically allocated. Do do so, you form a delete expression with a pointer to that object. You never "delete a pointer". What you really do is "delete an object which is identified by its address".

Now we see why the question makes no sense: A void pointer isn't the "address of an object". It's just an address, without any semantics. It may have come from the address of an actual object, but that information is lost, because it was encoded in the type of the original pointer. The only way to restore an object pointer is to cast the void pointer back to an object pointer (which requires the author to know what the pointer means). void itself is an incomplete type and thus never the type of an object, and a void pointer can never be used to identify an object. (Objects are identified jointly by their type and their address.)