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Is it possible to write one function for std::string and std::wstring?

I just wrote a simple utility function for std::string. Then I noticed that the function would look exactly the same if the std::string was a std::wstring or a std::u32string. Is it possible to use a template function here? I am not very familiar with templates, and std::string and std::wstring are templates themselves, which might be an issue.

template<class StdStringClass>
inline void removeOuterWhitespace(StdStringClass & strInOut)
  const unsigned int uiBegin = strInOut.find_first_not_of(" \t\n");

  if (uiBegin == StdStringClass::npos)
    // the whole string is whitespace

  const unsigned int uiEnd   = strInOut.find_last_not_of(" \t\n");
  strInOut = strInOut.substr(uiBegin, uiEnd - uiBegin + 1);

Is this a proper way to do it? Are there pitfalls with this idea. I am not talking about this function but the general concept of using a templated class StdStringClass and calling the usual std::string functions like find, replace, erase, etc.

like image 794
Fabian Avatar asked Mar 03 '16 09:03


People also ask

Should I use Wstring or string?

These are the two classes that you will actually use. std::string is used for standard ascii and utf-8 strings. std::wstring is used for wide-character/unicode (utf-16) strings. There is no built-in class for utf-32 strings (though you should be able to extend your own from basic_string if you need one).

Is std::string the same as string?

There is no functionality difference between string and std::string because they're the same type. That said, there are times where you would prefer std::string over string .

What is std::wstring?

std::to_wstring in c++This function is used to convert the numerical value to the wide string i.e. it parses a numerical value of datatypes (int, long long, float, double ) to a wide string. It returns a wide string of data type wstring representing the numerical value passed in the function.

Is std::string contiguous?

The std::string class manages the underlying storage for you, storing your strings in a contiguous manner. You can get access to this underlying buffer using the c_str() member function, which will return a pointer to null-terminated char array.

1 Answers

Its a good Idea, But I'd build the template on top of std::basic_string rather then general StdStringclass

template<class T>
inline void removeOuterWhitespace(std::basic_string<T>& strInOut)
  constexpr auto delim[] = {T(' '),T('\t'),T('\n'),T(0)};
  const auto uiBegin = strInOut.find_first_not_of(delim);

  if (uiBegin == std::basic_string<T>::npos)
    // the whole string is whitespace

  const auto  uiEnd   = strInOut.find_last_not_of(delim);
  strInOut = strInOut.substr(uiBegin, uiEnd - uiBegin + 1);

I would also ditch the MSDN-style "inout" notation in favro for simpler name like str. programmer will guess themselves that str is the result since it is passed as non-const reference and function returns void.

also, I changed unsigned int to auto. all the standard C++ containers/strings return size_t when returning indexes. size_t might not be unsigned int. auto matches itself to the right return value.

like image 192
David Haim Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 07:11

David Haim