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Is it possible to use WPF and Delphi 2007/09 win32?




Is it?! Possible?

like image 724
Jlouro Avatar asked Feb 16 '09 00:02


2 Answers

Yes, you can, with a product called "Hydra" from RemObjects:


They have a demo showing embedding a WPF graph in a Win32 application.

As Ken White notes, you can develop all your .Net stuff in Delphi Prism. It can then be leveraged in Win32 using Hydra if you like.

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Nick Hodges Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Nick Hodges

You can take a look at TMS .NET Interop Tools Pack. It contains components to display xaml and xps-files in your delphi-application. How well this works - and if it works well enough to switch from vcl to xaml, I don't know...

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Vegar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
