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Is it possible to set Wordwrap in WebStorm? I need to set by default all the files should be in wordwraping

is there any way to set word-wrap for all new/existing files should be in word-wrapping.

i need to set by default all the file in word-wrapping like notepadd++.

Thanks in advance.

like image 872
Phoenix Avatar asked Jan 28 '14 06:01


People also ask

How do I turn on word wrap in Webstorm?

Enable soft wraps for the file types that tend to have lots of long lines (Preferences/Settings | Editor | General > Soft-wrap files). With the soft wrapping on, the IDE will display those lines wrapped in the editor without adding line breaks.

How do you always wrap with word or code?

wordWrap": "on" You can toggle word wrap for the VS Code session with ⌥Z (Windows, Linux Alt+Z).

How do I stop word wrapping?

Right-click the control for which you want to enable or disable text wrapping, and then click Control Properties on the shortcut menu. Click the Display tab. Select or clear the Wrap text check box.

How do I toggle word wrap in Intellij?

You can enable soft wrap for the editor with ⇧⇧ (macOS), or *Shift+Shift (Windows/Linux), for the Search Everywhere dialogue, and then typing in soft wrap. You can also go to Preferences/Settings > Editor > General to enable Soft Wraps for more file types by default.

2 Answers

Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Use soft wraps in editor -- this setting affects all files.

You can disable or enable this option on per file basis (until it's closed) via View | Active Editor | Use Soft Wraps

More recent version (compared to the versions available when this question was answered) also have these options available in the Editor's gutter menu (right click in the area where the line numbers/breakpoints/etc are).


Settings screen has very nice feature -- quick search box (top left corner) -- it does wonders. It allows you to quickly narrow the search scope of the specific setting by it's name (keyword).

You can also use "Search anywhere" (Shift two times) as well as "Find Action" (Help | Find Action... Ctrl + Shift + A) to search for individual settings.

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enter image description here

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LazyOne Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09


Webstorm 9.0.3 Evaluation version on Windows 7:

I know I'm a bit late coming here, but if like me, you find that there's no "Use soft wraps in editor" option when you look in Settings>Editor>, i just discovered you can apply 'soft wrap' to individual files:

  • Open the file,
  • Left click the left margin (where the line numbers are),
  • You'll see "Use Soft Wraps" as an option you can turn on.

It's not quite what I wanted (change settings to apply to all files), but it's something.

like image 44
soba3 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
