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How get a WPF Datagrid with cells that wrap text instead of truncating it?

People also ask

How do you wrap text in WPF?

In WPF, the Label control does not support text wrapping. If you need a label that wraps contents across multiple lines, you can use a TextBlock control. Place a TextBlock control inside a Label and apply wrapping on TextBlock.

How do I filter DataGrid?

To filter items in a DataGridAdd a handler for the CollectionViewSource. Filter event. In the Filter event handler, define the filtering logic. The filter will be applied every time the view is refreshed.

Can user add rows DataGrid WPF?

WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid) provides built-in row called AddNewRow. It allows user to add a new row to underlying collection.

What is DataGrid WPF?

A DataGrid is a control that displays data in a customizable grid. It provides a flexible way to display a collection of data in rows and columns.

Thanks for your help @H.B., this did the trick for me (alignment is optional):

    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Wrapped & centered" Binding="{Binding field}">
                 <Setter Property="TextBlock.TextWrapping" Value="Wrap" />
                 <Setter Property="TextBlock.TextAlignment" Value="Center"/>

I made something similar to D.Rosados solution. Mine is however reusable if you have more columns that needs wrapping.

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}" x:Key="WrapText">
        <Setter Property="TextWrapping" Value="Wrap"/>

    <DataGridTextColumn IsReadOnly="False" Header="Address" 
     Binding="{Binding Address}" ElementStyle="{StaticResource WrapText}" Width="150"/>

You could try to template the cells with a TextBlock which has text-wrapping enabled.