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Is it possible to Access all Beacons with ibeacon API?

i'm close to finish an App using Estimote beacons having their UUID hardcoded in my project which list out all the Estimote beacons using ibeacon API, but when i'm trying to make my own device as a beacon transmitter using the Device UUID, which is differ from the estimote UUID, i cannot find it, as the UUID which i mentioned in the code is Estimote's.

So my question is , is there any way that i can find all the beacons(Ex- Estimote Beacons, Kontakt Beacons, Blue cat Beacons and ibeacon hardware) which i can track with apple's ibeacon API?

With same code i wanted to track all beacons without hardcoding any UUID?

is it possible?

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Madhu Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 09:12


People also ask

What is Apple iBeacon technology?

The iBeacon technology is a promising development from Apple intended for transmitting Bluetooth signals to the devices located within the range of indoor navigation beacons. Thus, there is a possibility of locating objects in the building.

Can iBeacon be used outside the building?

iBeacon can be used only inside the building. The iBeacon network is successfully applied inside and outside buildings. The manufacturers of the equipment constantly produce new versions of beacons that can work in the open air, even in bad weather. The beacons technology has an analog, Eddystone, developed by Google.

What is the iBeacons indoor navigation?

Basic facts about the iBeacons indoor navigation. The beacon technology is a promising development from Apple intended for transmitting Bluetooth signals to devices located within the range of indoor navigation beacons. Thus, there is a possibility of locating objects in the building.

How do I get the major of an iBeacon?

The onBeaconsDiscovered () method is fired whenever one or more beacons is found; the iBeacons found will be presented as a List of Beacon objects. You can get the Major of an iBeacon by using the getMajor () method of the Beacon class.

2 Answers

No,Apple has put restriction on finding of unknown Ibeacon .You can not find any unknown beacon.Though there are some hacks which are not that effective.Also there can not be more than one Udid a app region can contain.What you can do either is that ask the user what Udid he wants to monitor then the app can range for it. Sorry for wrong spelling if any..

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shubham jain Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

shubham jain

No, you must tell CoreLocation the ProximityUUID of any iBeacon you want your app to see or it will not tell you about it. See http://developer.radiusnetworks.com/2013/10/21/corebluetooth-doesnt-let-you-see-ibeacons.html

This does not mean you need to hardcode every UUID in your app. Doing so would require you to resubmit the app for approval each time you add an iBeacon with another UUID.

An alternative is to use a web service to give you a list of UUIDs to search for. You can build your own, or use my company's ProximityKit service that does this for you.

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davidgyoung Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
