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Is it better to return `undefined` or `null` from a javascript function?

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Should you return undefined?

A function returns undefined if a value was not returned . Note: While you can use undefined as an identifier (variable name) in any scope other than the global scope (because undefined is not a reserved word), doing so is a very bad idea that will make your code difficult to maintain and debug.

Why you should never return null?

Getting a null value is an ambiguous for caller, because it doesn't say whether the null is returned due to the bug or due to the fact that the order was not found in the database. Returning null is definitely not a domain-driven design approach.

Is it better to return null or empty string?

Returning null is usually the best idea if you intend to indicate that no data is available. An empty object implies data has been returned, whereas returning null clearly indicates that nothing has been returned.

Is null the same as undefined in JavaScript?

Difference Between undefined and null undefined is a variable that refers to something that doesn't exist, and the variable isn't defined to be anything. null is a variable that is defined but is missing a value.

Undefined typically refers to something which has not yet been assigned a value (yet). Null refers to something which definitively has no value. In that case, I would recommend returning a null. Note that a function with no specified return value implicitly returns undefined.

From the ECMAScript2015 spec

4.3.10 undefined value

primitive value used when a variable has not been assigned a value

4.3.12 null value

primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value


Further reading:

When is null or undefined used in JavaScript?

I will give you my personal opinionated way of choosing between the two.

My simple question is: could the value, given another input/state/context be defined to something?

If the answer is yes then use null else use undefined. More generally any function returning an object should return null when the intended object does not exist. Because it could exist given another input/state/context.

null represents the absence of value for a given input/state/context. It implicitly means that the concept of the value itself exist in the context of your application but may be absent. In your example the concept of a next card exists but the card itself may not exist. null should be used.

undefined implicitly represents the absence of meaning of that value in your application's context. For example, if I manipulate a user object with a given set of properties and I try to access the property pikatchu. The value of this property should be set to undefined because in my context it doesn't make any sense to have such a property.

I will argue there is no best way, and even standard functions sometimes choose one or the other.

For example:

  • [[Prototype]]

    Ordinary objects have a [[Prototype]] internal slot, which determines from which other object they inherit from. Of course, there must be a way to say that an object does not inherit from any other one. In this case, "there is no such object" is represented using null.

  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor

    It is expected to return a property descriptor, that is, an object which describes a property (e.g. value, writability, enumerability and configurability). However, the property may not exist. In this case, "there is no such property" is represented using undefined.

  • document.getElementById

    It is expected to return the element with the given ID. However, there might be no element with that ID. In this case, "there is no such element" is represented using null.

So just choose whatever you prefer or think makes more sense for your specific case.

Depends on what u need to do with the returned value.

typeof null returns an object. that object has a value of undefined

typeof undefined returns undefined

undefined is not something you should assign to. You might want to consider to return something else other than undefined. In your case, even if you don't return anything at all, the result will be undefined already. So, I'd suggest to go with null instead.

Consider this sample,

function getSomething() {
     // .. do something
     return undefined;

function doSomething() {
     // .. I'm not gonna return anything.

var a = getSomething();
var b = doSomething();

Above sample result in a === b, which is undefined. The difference is that you save 1 statement execution.