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How to get visitor's location (i.e. country) using geolocation?

People also ask

How do you detect a website visitor's country?

To get the website visitor's location, I use the ip2c.org service that quickly resolves the visitor's IP address to their country. If you fetch the ip2c.org/self service, it returns the ISO code of the country of the computer that made the HTTP request.

How do you get a geolocation location?

The Geolocation API is accessed via a call to navigator. geolocation ; this will cause the user's browser to ask them for permission to access their location data. If they accept, then the browser will use the best available functionality on the device to access this information (for example, GPS).

How do I get a city name from geolocation?

You can use https://ip-api.io/ to get city Name. It supports IPv6.

How do I find someones location using Javascript?

If the browser supports it, you can request the user's location from the Geolocation API using the getCurrentPosition function. window. navigator. geolocation .

You can use my service, http://ipinfo.io, for this. It will give you the client IP, hostname, geolocation information (city, region, country, area code, zip code etc) and network owner. Here's a simple example that logs the city and country:

$.get("https://ipinfo.io", function(response) {
    console.log(response.city, response.country);
}, "jsonp");

Here's a more detailed JSFiddle example that also prints out the full response information, so you can see all of the available details: http://jsfiddle.net/zK5FN/2/

The location will generally be less accurate than the native geolocation details, but it doesn't require any user permission.

You don't need to locate the user if you only need their country. You can look their IP address up in any IP-to-location service (like maxmind, ipregistry or ip2location). This will be accurate most of the time.

Here is a client-side example with Ipregistry (disclaimer, I am working for):

    .then(function (response) {
        return response.json();
    .then(function (payload) {
        console.log(payload.location.country.name + ', ' + payload.location.city);

If you really need to get their location, you can get their lat/lng with that method, then query Google's or Yahoo's reverse geocoding service.

You can use your IP address to get your 'country', 'city', 'isp' etc...
Just use one of the web-services that provide you with a simple api like http://ip-api.com which provide you a JSON service at http://ip-api.com/json. Simple send a Ajax (or Xhr) request and then parse the JSON to get whatever data you need.

var requestUrl = "http://ip-api.com/json";

  url: requestUrl,
  type: 'GET',
  success: function(json)
    console.log("My country is: " + json.country);
  error: function(err)
    console.log("Request failed, error= " + err);

See ipdata.co a service I built that is fast and has reliable performance thanks to having 10 global endpoints each able to handle >10,000 requests per second!

This answer uses a 'test' API Key that is very limited and only meant for testing a few calls. Signup for your own Free API Key and get up to 1500 requests daily for development.

This snippet will return the details of your current ip. To lookup other ip addresses, simply append the ip to the https://api.ipdata.co?api-key=test url eg.


The API also provides an is_eu field indicating whether the user is in an EU country.

$.get("https://api.ipdata.co?api-key=test", function (response) {
    $("#response").html(JSON.stringify(response, null, 4));
}, "jsonp");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<pre id="response"></pre>

Here's the fiddle; https://jsfiddle.net/ipdata/6wtf0q4g/922/

I also wrote this detailed analysis of 8 of the best IP Geolocation APIs.

you can't get city location by ip. here you can get country with jquery:

$.get("http://ip-api.com/json", function(response) {
console.log(response.country);}, "jsonp");

A very easy to use service is provided by ws.geonames.org. Here's an example URL:


And here's some (jQuery) code which I've added to your code:

if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
        $.getJSON('http://ws.geonames.org/countryCode', {
            lat: position.coords.latitude,
            lng: position.coords.longitude,
            type: 'JSON'
        }, function(result) {
            alert('Country: ' + result.countryName + '\n' + 'Code: ' + result.countryCode);

Try it on jsfiddle.net ...