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How to go from Blob to ArrayBuffer

You can use FileReader to read the Blob as an ArrayBuffer.

Here's a short example:

var arrayBuffer;
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(event) {
    arrayBuffer = event.target.result;

Here's a longer example:

// ArrayBuffer -> Blob
var uint8Array  = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);
var arrayBuffer = uint8Array.buffer;
var blob        = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);

// Blob -> ArrayBuffer
var uint8ArrayNew  = null;
var arrayBufferNew = null;
var fileReader     = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload  = function(event) {
    arrayBufferNew = event.target.result;
    uint8ArrayNew  = new Uint8Array(arrayBufferNew);

    // warn if read values are not the same as the original values
    // arrayEqual from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3115982/how-to-check-javascript-array-equals
    function arrayEqual(a, b) { return !(a<b || b<a); };
    if (arrayBufferNew.byteLength !== arrayBuffer.byteLength) // should be 3
        console.warn("ArrayBuffer byteLength does not match");
    if (arrayEqual(uint8ArrayNew, uint8Array) !== true) // should be [1,2,3]
        console.warn("Uint8Array does not match");
fileReader.result; // also accessible this way once the blob has been read

This was tested out in the console of Chrome 27—69, Firefox 20—60, and Safari 6—11.

Here's also a live demonstration which you can play with: https://jsfiddle.net/potatosalad/FbaM6/

Update 2018-06-23: Thanks to Klaus Klein for the tip about event.target.result versus this.result


  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileReader#readAsArrayBuffer()
  • https://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/#dfn-readAsArrayBuffer

The Response API consumes a (immutable) Blob from which the data can be retrieved in several ways. The OP only asked for ArrayBuffer, and here's a demonstration of it.

var blob = GetABlobSomehow();

// NOTE: you will need to wrap this up in a async block first.
/* Use the await keyword to wait for the Promise to resolve */
await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer();   //=> <ArrayBuffer>

alternatively you could use this:

new Response(blob).arrayBuffer()
.then(/* <function> */);

Note: This API isn't compatible with older (ancient) browsers so take a look to the Browser Compatibility Table to be on the safe side ;)

Or you can use the fetch API

fetch(URL.createObjectURL(myBlob)).then(res => res.arrayBuffer())

I don't know what the performance difference is, and this will show up on your network tab in DevTools as well.

Just to complement Mr @potatosalad answer.

You don't actually need to access the function scope to get the result on the onload callback, you can freely do the following on the event parameter:

var arrayBuffer;
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(event) {
    arrayBuffer = event.target.result;

Why this is better? Because then we may use arrow function without losing the context

var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = (event) => {
    this.externalScopeVariable = event.target.result;

await blob.arrayBuffer() is good.

The problem is when iOS / Safari support is needed.. for that  one would need this:

Blob.prototype.arrayBuffer ??=function(){ return new Response(this).arrayBuffer() }

There is now (Chrome 76+ & FF 69+) a Blob.prototype.arrayBuffer() method which will return a Promise resolving with an ArrayBuffer representing the Blob's data.

(async () => {
  const blob = new Blob(['hello']);
  const buf = await blob.arrayBuffer();
  console.log( buf.byteLength ); // 5