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How to get the raw value an <input type="number"> field?

People also ask

How can I get the value entered in the input field?

Answer: Use the value Property You can simply use the value property of the DOM input element to get the value of text input field.

How do you input field as numeric?

By default, HTML 5 input field has attribute type=”number” that is used to get input in numeric format. Now forcing input field type=”text” to accept numeric values only by using Javascript or jQuery. You can also set type=”tel” attribute in the input field that will popup numeric keyboard on mobile devices.

According to the WHATWG, you shouldn't be able to get the value unless it's valid numeric input. The input number field's sanitization algorithm says the browser is supposed to set the value to an empty string if the input isn't a valid floating point number.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid floating-point number, then set it to the empty string instead.

By specifying the type (<input type="number">) you're asking the browser to do some work for you. If, on the other hand, you'd like to be able to capture the non-numeric input and do something with it, you'd have to rely on the old tried and true text input field and parse the content yourself.

The W3 also has the same specs and adds:

User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a non-empty string that is not a valid floating-point number.

It doesn't answer the question, but the useful workaround is to check


The ValidityState of an object gives clues about what the user entered. Consider a type="number" input with a min and max set

<input type="number" min="1" max="10">

We always want to use .validity.valid.

Other properties only give bonus information:

│ User's Input │ .value │ .valid ║ .badInput │ .rangeUnderflow │ .rangeOverflow │
│ ""           │ ""     │ true   ║ false     │ false           │ false          │ valid because field not marked required
│ "1"          │ "1"    │ true   ║ false     │ false           │ false          │ 
│ "10"         │ "10"   │ true   ║ false     │ false           │ false          │
│ "0"          │ "0"    │ false  ║ false     │ true            │ false          │ invalid because below min
│ "11"         │ "11"   │ false  ║ false     │ false           │ true           │ invalid because above max
│ "q"          │ ""     │ false  ║ true      │ false           │ false          │ invalid because not number
│ "³"          │ ""     │ false  ║ true      │ false           │ false          │ superscript digit 3
│ "٣"          │ ""     │ false  ║ true      │ false           │ false          │ arabic digit 3
│ "₃"          │ ""     │ false  ║ true      │ false           │ false          │ subscript digit 3

You'll have to ensure that the the browser supports HTML5 validation before using it:

function ValidateElementAsNumber(element)
   //Public Domain: no attribution required.
   if ((element.validity) && (!element.validity.valid))
      //if html5 validation says it's bad: it's bad
      return false;
   //Fallback to browsers that don't yet support html5 input validation
   //Or we maybe want to perform additional validations
   var value = StrToInt(element.value);
   if (value != null)
      return true;
      return false;


Spudly has a useful answer that he deleted:

Just use the CSS :invalid selector for this.

input[type=number]:invalid {
    background-color: #FFCCCC;

This will trigger your element to turn red whenever a non-numeric valid is entered.

Browser support for <input type='number'> is about the same as :invalid, so no problem there.

Read more about :invalid here.

var displayValue = window.getSelection().toString();

Track all pressed keys based on their key codes

I suppose one could listen to the keyup events and keep an array of all characters entered, based on their keycodes. But it's a pretty tedious task and probably prone to bugs.


Select the input and get the selection as a string

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('input', onInput);

function onInput(){
  console.log( window.getSelection().toString() )
<input type='number'>

All credit to: int32_t