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Deleting `package-lock.json` to Resolve Conflicts quickly

People also ask

Is it OK to delete package lock json?

json that result in two different installs. You may have noticed it before; you install a package using npm and suddenly a new file called package-lock. json appears in your project directory. Don't delete that package-lock file, run npm install and regenerate it!

Is package lock json needed?

The goal of package-lock. json file is to keep track of the exact version of every package that is installed so that a product is 100% reproducible in the same way even if packages are updated by their maintainers. This solves a very specific problem that package. json left unsolved.

Can I manually edit package lock json?

json file is present, npm install will install the exact versions specified. The package-lock. json is not meant to be human-readable, and it's not meant to be edited manually.

Yes, it can and will affect all the project in really bad way.

  1. if your team does not run npm install after each git pull you all are using different dependencies' versions. So it ends with "but it works for me!!" and "I don't understand why my code does not work for you"

  2. even if all the team runs npm install it still does not mean everything is ok. at some moment you may find your project acts differently. in a part that you have not been changing for years. and after (probably, quite painful) debugging you will find it's because of 3rd level dependency has updated for next major version and this led some breaking changes.

Conclusion: don't ever delete package-lock.json.

Yes, for first level dependencies if we specify them without ranges (like "react": "16.12.0") we get the same versions each time we run npm install. But we cannot say the same about dependencies of 2+ level deep (dependencies that our dependencies are relying on), so package-lock.json is really important for stability.

In your case you better do next way:

  1. fix conflicts in package.json
  2. run npm install

As easy as it looks. The same to yarn - it fixes lockfile conflict on its own. The only requirement here to resolve all the conflicts in package.json beforehand if any.

Per docs npm will fix merge conflicts in package-lock.json for you.

[Upd from 2021] important! If you use some library already and npm/GitHub account of its maintainer is hacked. And new version with malicious code inside is released. And you have package-lock.json intact. You will be fine. If you drop it you are in trouble.

Yes it can have bad side effects, maybe not very often but for example you can have in package.json "moduleX": "^1.0.0" and you used to have "moduleX": "1.0.0" in package-lock.json.

By deleting package-lock.json and running npm install you could be updating to version 1.0.999 of moduleX without knowing about it and maybe they have created a bug or done a backwards breaking change (not following semantic versioning).

Anyway there is already a standard solution for it.

  1. Fix the conflict inside package.json
  2. Run: npm install --package-lock-only

Check out this link for more info:


I know it's an old question but for future seekers, you can also use npm-merge-driver which try to automatically resolve the npm related files' merge issues.

Just install it globally npx npm-merge-driver install --global. You can read more about it here npm-merge-driver

Edit: Just want to warn people, who are interested in using above package, that sometime it can behave erratically and difficult to remove. So although it is a useful tool, it still need some work.

Edit: This repository is now archived and read only.