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iOS 4.2.1 Mobile Safari won't show poster image

I've been working on an iPad-specific site that uses HTML5 video and though I've got video playback working, I can't for the life of me get the poster image to appear. It looks fine on Desktop Safari. Here's the code:

<video src="video/about_the_man.mp4" controls height=360 width=480  poster="video/posters/about_the_man.jpg"></video>

I've using this link as a reference (listing 1.2): https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/Using_HTML5_Audio_Video/AudioandVideoTagBasics/AudioandVideoTagBasics.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009523-CH2-SW6

It says that on iOS the poster image will be shown until the user initiates playback, but right now all I'm getting is a black video-sized screen with a big play button in the center. I've looked at other postings on this top (here and here) but neither solution has worked for me. The only thing that's a little bit unconventional about the site is that the video element is in an inline lightbox, so initially on pageload it's not visible, but I don't know why that would make a difference.

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justinbach Avatar asked Jan 12 '11 19:01


People also ask

Why Safari on IOS is not showing my html5 video poster?

Double-Click home button to get the task switcher outside of Safari, tap and hold on the safari icon until the kill button shows. Open safari (restarted). At this point, if you load the test page (the one with just one video), the poster will show.

Why do some images not load on Safari?

If there's a Develop menu in the menu bar, check it to see if images are disabled. See Use the developer tools in the Develop menu in Safari. Click and hold the Reload button , then choose Reload Without Content Blockers. The images might be blocked by a Content Blocker you have installed.

Why can't I click on images in Safari Iphone?

Go to Settings/Safari and clear History and Website Data. Open Safari and test. Try a restart.

2 Answers

I had the exact same problem. I decided to try my code on other iPad's, and it worked fine. The poster image showed up.

After scratching my head for a bit, the solution was to hard reset the iPad and try again. After a reboot, my iPad displayed the poster image as it should.

Maybe it will work for you?

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Critter Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 14:01


I found there is a limit to the amount of images you can load on an iPad

Here is what it says:

I hit a mobile Safari limitation recently when building an AJAX-y site on the iPad. If you load a ton of images eventually mobile Safari cuts you off and will display a [?] instead of the image. After doing some tests it appears that this limit is around 6.5 MB. Here’s a test page I made that attempts to load 20 500kb images. When opening this page on an iPad, 7 of the images don’t appear, even though in Charles they are returning 200 – success. I’m assuming this is similar to the way autoplay is disabled for the video tag on iPad/iPhone. Apple probably wants to make sure users don’t get overloaded with downloads when browsing on 3G.

Anyhow, 6.5 MB is a hefty load and wouldn’t fare well on 3G, but for one reason or another you may want to work around this limitation. I found the easiest way to patch my code was to load the image into a canvas tag using drawImage(). The canvas tag appears to be immune to the limitation.

Here’s another test page using the canvas tag, all the images should load.

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Tek Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 14:01
