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Invalid .internal.selfref in data.table




I needed to assign a "second" id to group some values inside my original id. this is my sample data:

dt<-structure(list(id = c("aaaa", "aaaa", "aaas", "aaas", "bbbb", "bbbb"),
                   period = c("start", "end", "start", "end", "start", "end"),
                   date = structure(c(15401L, 15401L, 15581L, 15762L, 15430L, 15747L), class = c("IDate", "Date"))),
              class = c("data.table", "data.frame"),
              .Names = c("id", "period", "date"),
              sorted = "id")
> dt
     id period       date
1: aaaa  start 2012-03-02
2: aaaa    end 2012-03-05
3: aaas  start 2012-08-21
4: aaas    end 2013-02-25
5: bbbb  start 2012-03-31
6: bbbb    end 2013-02-11

column id needs to be grouped (using the same value in say id2) according to this list:

> groups
[1] "aaaa" "aaas"

[1] "bbbb"

I used the following code, which seems to work by gives the following warning:

    > dt[, id2 := which(vapply(groups, function(x,y) any(x==y), .BY[[1]], FUN.VALUE=T)), by=id]
    Warning message:
    In `[.data.table`(dt, , `:=`(id2, which(vapply(groups, function(x,  :
      Invalid .internal.selfref detected and fixed by taking a copy of the whole table,
so that := can add this new column by reference. At an earlier point, this data.table has
been copied by R (or been created manually using structure() or similar). Avoid key<-,
names<- and attr<- which in R currently (and oddly) may copy the whole data.table. Use
set* syntax instead to avoid copying: setkey(), setnames() and setattr(). Also,
list (DT1,DT2) will copy the entire DT1 and DT2 (R's list() copies named objects),
use reflist() instead if needed (to be implemented). If this message doesn't help,
please report to datatable-help so the root cause can be fixed.
    > dt
         id period       date id2
    1: aaaa  start 2012-03-02   1
    2: aaaa    end 2012-03-02   1
    3: aaas  start 2012-08-29   1
    4: aaas    end 2013-02-26   1
    5: bbbb  start 2012-03-31   2
    6: bbbb    end 2013-02-11   2

could someone briefly explain the nature of this warning and any eventual implication in the final results (if any)? thanks


the follwing code is actually showing when dt is created and how is passed to the function that gives the warning:

f.main <- function(){
      f2 <- function(x){
      groups <- list(c("aaaa", "aaas"), "bbbb") # actually generated depending on the similarity between values of x$id
      x <- x[, id2 := which(vapply(groups, function(x,y) any(x==y), .BY[[1]], FUN.VALUE=T)), by=id]
  x <- f1()
    x <- f2(x[["res"]])
  } else {
    # something else

f1 <- function(){
  dt<-data.table(id = c("aaaa", "aaaa", "aaas", "aaas", "bbbb", "bbbb"),
                 period = c("start", "end", "start", "end", "start", "end"),
                 date = structure(c(15401L, 15401L, 15581L, 15762L, 15430L, 15747L), class = c("IDate", "Date")))
  return(list(res=dt, other_results=""))

> f.main()
     id period       date id2
1: aaaa  start 2012-03-02   1
2: aaaa    end 2012-03-02   1
3: aaas  start 2012-08-29   1
4: aaas    end 2013-02-26   1
5: bbbb  start 2012-03-31   2
6: bbbb    end 2013-02-11   2
Warning message:
In `[.data.table`(x, , `:=`(id2, which(vapply(groups, function(x,  :
  Invalid .internal.selfref detected and fixed by taking a copy of the whole table,
so that := can add this new column by reference. At an earlier point, this data.table
has been copied by R (or been created manually using structure() or similar).
Avoid key<-, names<- and attr<- which in R currently (and oddly) may copy the whole
data.table. Use set* syntax instead to avoid copying: setkey(), setnames() and setattr().
Also, list(DT1,DT2) will copy the entire DT1 and DT2 (R's list() copies named objects),
use reflist() instead if needed (to be implemented). If this message doesn't help,
please report to datatable-help so the root cause can be fixed.
like image 842
Michele Avatar asked Jun 16 '13 12:06


2 Answers

Yes, the problem is the list. Here is a simple example:

DT <- data.table(1:5)
mylist1 <- list(DT,"a")

mylist2 <- list(data.table(1:5),"a")
#no warning

You should avoid copying a data.table into a list (and to be on the safe side I would avoid having a DT in a list at all). Try this:

f1 <- function(){
  mylist <- list(res=data.table(id = c("aaaa", "aaaa", "aaas", "aaas", "bbbb", "bbbb"),
                 period = c("start", "end", "start", "end", "start", "end"),
                 date = structure(c(15401L, 15401L, 15581L, 15762L, 15430L, 15747L), class = c("IDate", "Date"))))
  other_results <- ""
  mylist$other_results <- other_results
like image 175
Roland Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09


You could "shallow copy" while creating the list, so that 1) you don't do full memory copy (speed isn't affected) and 2) you don't get internal ref error (thanks to @mnel for this trick).

Creating data:

ss <- function() {
    tt <- sample(1:10, 1e6, replace=TRUE)
tt <- replicate(100, ss(), simplify=FALSE)
tt <- as.data.table(tt)

How you should go about creating the list (shallow copy):

system.time( {
    ll <- list(d1 = { # shallow copy here...
        data.table:::settruelength(tt, 0)
    }, "a")
user  system elapsed
   0       0       0
> system.time(tt[, bla := 2])
   user  system elapsed
  0.012   0.000   0.013
> system.time(ll[[1]][, bla :=2 ])
   user  system elapsed
  0.008   0.000   0.010

So you don't compromise in speed and you don't get a warning followed by a full copy. Hope this helps.

like image 39
Arun Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
