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Inserting valid json with copy into postgres table

Valid JSON can naturally have the backslash character: \. When you insert data in a SQL statement like so:

sidharth=# create temp table foo(data json);
sidharth=# insert into foo values( '{"foo":"bar", "bam": "{\"mary\": \"had a lamb\"}" }');

sidharth=# select * from foo;


{"foo":"bar", "bam": "{\"mary\": \"had a lamb\"}" }
(1 row)

Things work fine.

But if I copy the JSON to a file and run the copy command I get:

sidharth=# \copy foo from './tests/foo' (format text); 

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL:  Token "mary" is invalid.
CONTEXT:  JSON data, line 1: {"foo":"bar", "bam": "{"mary...
COPY foo, line 1, column data: "{"foo":"bar", "bam": "{"mary": "had a lamb"}" }"

Seems like postgres is not processing the backslashes. I think because of http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/sql-syntax-lexical.html and it I am forced to use double backslash. And that works, i.e. when the file contents are:

{"foo":"bar", "bam": "{\\"mary\\": \\"had a lamb\\"}" }  

The copy command works. But is it correct to expect special treatment for json data types because afterall above is not a valid json.

like image 286
Sid Avatar asked Jun 12 '14 17:06


People also ask

Can we insert JSON data into PostgreSQL?

Some of the popular Operators useful for inserting JSON into PostgreSQL are: -> Operator: It enables you to select an element from your table based on its name. Moreover, you can even select an element from an array using this operator based on its index.

Can I store JSON data in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL offers two types for storing JSON data: json and jsonb . To implement efficient query mechanisms for these data types, PostgreSQL also provides the jsonpath data type described in Section 8.14. 7. The json and jsonb data types accept almost identical sets of values as input.

Does PSQL copy overwrite?

If you COPY TO a file already containing data, the existing data will be overwritten.

What is difference between JSON and Jsonb?

One simple difference between JSON and jsonb data type is that JSON stores the exact copy of the data represented/ inputted in the JSON format to the user whereas jsonb stores the data in the binary format which means that the input data is first processed and then stored in the binary form.

1 Answers


copy the_table(jsonfield) 
from '/path/to/jsondata' 
csv quote e'\x01' delimiter e'\x02';
like image 74
Vlad Purga Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Vlad Purga