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In C# 7 is it possible to deconstruct tuples as method arguments




For example I have

private void test(Action<ValueTuple<string, int>> fn) {     fn(("hello", 10)); }  test(t =>   {     var (s, i) = t;     Console.WriteLine(s);     Console.WriteLine(i); }); 

I would like to write something like this

private void test(Action<ValueTuple<string, int>> fn) {     fn(("hello", 10)); }  test((s,i) =>  {     Console.WriteLine(s);     Console.WriteLine(i); }); 

Is this possible with some proper notation?

like image 990
bradgonesurfing Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 11:01


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2 Answers

You can shorten it to:

void test( Action<ValueTuple<string, int>> fn) {     fn(("hello", 10)); }  test(((string s, int i) t) => {     Console.WriteLine(t.s);     Console.WriteLine(t.i); }); 

Hopefully, one day we might be able to splat the parameters from a tuple to the method invocation:

void test(Action<ValueTuple<string, int>> fn) {     fn(@("hello", 10)); // <-- made up syntax }  test((s, i) => {     Console.WriteLine(s);     Console.WriteLine(i); }); 

But not at the moment.

like image 82
Paulo Morgado Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 21:11

Paulo Morgado

I. Examples of Action /Func delegates with distinct-args vs. single n-tuple arguments:

// 1. Action with 3 distinct 'int' parameters Action<int, int, int> ArgsAction = (i1, i2, i3) => i1 += i2 += i3;  // 2. Func with 3 distinct 'int' parameters, returning 'long' Func<int, int, int, long> ArgsFunc = (i1, i2, i3) => (long)i1 + i2 + i3;  // 3. Action with a single 3-tuple parameter Action<(int, int, int)> TupleAction = args => args.Item1 += args.Item2 += args.Item3;  // 4. Action with a single 3-tuple parameter, returning 'long' Func<(int, int, int), long> TupleFunc = args => (long)args.Item1 + args.Item2 + args.Item3; 

II. Demonstrate direct usage of the above examples

long r;  // pass distinct params to multi-arg methods  ArgsAction(1, 2, 3);                // 1.  r = ArgsFunc(1, 2, 3);              // 2.  // pass tuple to tuple-taking methods  TupleAction((1, 2, 3));             // 3.  r = TupleFunc((1, 2, 3));           // 4. 

The examples in the next two sections invoke the delegates in their respective non-native argument forms. To delay the method call or to retain an adapted delegate for caching or delayed/multiple-call secenarios, see VI. and VII.

III. disperse ("splat") a tuple into multi-arg methods.

(1, 2, 3).Scatter(ArgsAction);      // 1.  r = (1, 2, 3).Scatter(ArgsFunc);    // 2. 

IV. pass distinct args into tuple-taking methods:

TupleAction.Gather(1, 2, 3);        // 3.  r = TupleFunc.Gather(1, 2, 3);      // 4. 

V. Extension methods Scatter and Gather used above in (III) and (IV):

// disperse n-tuple into Action arguments public static void Scatter<T0, T1>(in this (T0 i0, T1 i1) t, Action<T0, T1> a) => a(t.i0, t.i1); public static void Scatter<T0, T1, T2>(in this (T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2) t, Action<T0, T1, T2> a) => a(t.i0, t.i1, t.i2); public static void Scatter<T0, T1, T2, T3>(in this (T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2, T3 i3) t, Action<T0, T1, T2, T3> a) => a(t.i0, t.i1, t.i2, t.i3);  // disperse n-tuple into Func arguments public static TResult Scatter<T0, T1, TResult>(in this (T0 i0, T1 i1) t, Func<T0, T1, TResult> f) => f(t.i0, t.i1); public static TResult Scatter<T0, T1, T2, TResult>(in this (T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2) t, Func<T0, T1, T2, TResult> f) => f(t.i0, t.i1, t.i2); public static TResult Scatter<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult>(in this (T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2, T3 i3) t, Func<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult> f) => f(t.i0, t.i1, t.i2, t.i3);  // accumulate 'n' distinct args and pass into Action as an n-tuple public static void Gather<T0, T1>(this Action<(T0, T1)> a, T0 i0, T1 i1) => a((i0, i1)); public static void Gather<T0, T1, T2>(this Action<(T0, T1, T2)> a, T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2) => a((i0, i1, i2)); public static void Gather<T0, T1, T2, T3>(this Action<(T0, T1, T2, T3)> a, T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2, T3 i3) => a((i0, i1, i2, i3));  // accumulate 'n' distinct args and pass into Func as an n-tuple public static TResult Gather<T0, T1, TResult>(this Func<(T0, T1), TResult> f, T0 i0, T1 i1) => f((i0, i1)); public static TResult Gather<T0, T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<(T0, T1, T2), TResult> f, T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2) => f((i0, i1, i2)); public static TResult Gather<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult>(this Func<(T0, T1, T2, T3), TResult> f, T0 i0, T1 i1, T2 i2, T3 i3) => f((i0, i1, i2, i3)); 

VI. Bonus round. If you plan to call a tuple- or distinct-arg-taking delegate multiple times in its alternate form, or if you're not ready to actually invoke it yet, you may wish to explicitly pre-convert the delegate from tuple-taking form to the equivalent distinct-args delegate, or vice-versa. You can cache the converted delegate for multiple or arbitrary later re-use.

var ga = ArgsAction.ToGathered();        // 1. // later... ga((1, 2, 3)); // ... ga((4, 5, 6));  var gf = ArgsFunc.ToGathered();          // 2. // later... r = gf((1, 2, 3)); // ... r = gf((4, 5, 6));  var sa = TupleAction.ToScattered();      // 3. // later... sa(1, 2, 3); // ... sa(4, 5, 6);  var sf = TupleFunc.ToScattered();        // 4. // later... r = sf(1, 2, 3); // ... r = sf(4, 5, 6);  // of course these approaches also supports in-situ usage:  ArgsAction.ToGathered()((1, 2, 3));      // 1. r = ArgsFunc.ToGathered()((1, 2, 3));    // 2.  TupleAction.ToScattered()(1, 2, 3);      // 3. r = TupleFunc.ToScattered()(1, 2, 3);    // 4. 

VII. Extension methods for bonus examples shown in VI.

// convert tuple-taking Action delegate to distinct-args form public static Action<T0, T1> ToScattered<T0, T1>(this Action<(T0, T1)> a) => (i0, i1) => a((i0, i1)); public static Action<T0, T1, T2> ToScattered<T0, T1, T2>(this Action<(T0, T1, T2)> a) => (i0, i1, i2) => a((i0, i1, i2)); public static Action<T0, T1, T2, T3> ToScattered<T0, T1, T2, T3>(this Action<(T0, T1, T2, T3)> a) => (i0, i1, i2, i3) => a((i0, i1, i2, i3));  // convert tuple-taking Func delegate to its distinct-args form public static Func<T0, T1, TResult> ToScattered<T0, T1, TResult>(this Func<(T0, T1), TResult> f) => (i0, i1) => f((i0, i1)); public static Func<T0, T1, T2, TResult> ToScattered<T0, T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<(T0, T1, T2), TResult> f) => (i0, i1, i2) => f((i0, i1, i2)); public static Func<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult> ToScattered<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult>(this Func<(T0, T1, T2, T3), TResult> f) => (i0, i1, i2, i3) => f((i0, i1, i2, i3));  // convert distinct-args Action delegate to tuple-taking form public static Action<(T0, T1)> ToGathered<T0, T1>(this Action<T0, T1> a) => t => a(t.Item1, t.Item2); public static Action<(T0, T1, T2)> ToGathered<T0, T1, T2>(this Action<T0, T1, T2> a) => t => a(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3); public static Action<(T0, T1, T2, T3)> ToGathered<T0, T1, T2, T3>(this Action<T0, T1, T2, T3> a) => t => a(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3, t.Item4);  // convert distinct-args Func delegate to its tuple-taking form public static Func<(T0, T1), TResult> ToGathered<T0, T1, TResult>(this Func<T0, T1, TResult> f) => t => f(t.Item1, t.Item2); public static Func<(T0, T1, T2), TResult> ToGathered<T0, T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<T0, T1, T2, TResult> f) => t => f(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3); public static Func<(T0, T1, T2, T3), TResult> ToGathered<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult>(this Func<T0, T1, T2, T3, TResult> f) => t => f(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3, t.Item4); 
like image 32
Glenn Slayden Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 21:11

Glenn Slayden