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How to zip two iterators of unequal length with a default?




I'm trying to zip two iterators of unequal length, it only returns when when there is value in both and ignores the rest in the longest iterator.

fn main() {
    let num1 = vec![1, 2];
    let num2 = vec![3];

    for i in num1.iter().rev().zip(num2.iter().rev()) {
        println!("{:?}", i);

This returns (2, 3). How do i make it return:

(2, 3)
(1, 0) // default is the 0 here.

Is there any other way to do it?

like image 953
bluefoggy Avatar asked Aug 04 '19 08:08


5 Answers

You could use the zip_longest provided by the itertools crate.

use itertools::{

fn main() {
    let num1 = vec![1, 2];
    let num2 = vec![3];

    for pair in num1.iter().rev().zip_longest(num2.iter().rev()) {
        match pair {
            Both(l, r) => println!("({:?}, {:?})", l, r),
            Left(l) => println!("({:?}, 0)", l),
            Right(r) => println!("(0, {:?})", r),

Which would produce the following output:

(2, 3)
(1, 0)
like image 187
Peter Varo Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 18:11

Peter Varo

I saw this neat trick in other guy code in leetcode solution. If you have access to length, you can swap iterators, making iter1 the longest.

fn main() {
    let num1 = vec![1, 2];
    let num2 = vec![3];
    let mut iter1 = num1.iter();
    let mut iter2 = num2.iter();
    if iter1.len() < iter2.len(){
        std::mem::swap(&mut iter1, &mut iter2);
    } // now iter1 is the largest
    for i in iter1.rev().zip(iter2.rev().chain(std::iter::repeat(&0))) {
        println!("{:?}", i);
like image 33
George Shuklin Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 18:11

George Shuklin

The key is to detect that one iterator is shorter then the other, you could do it before before in your case vector implement ExactSizeIterator but a general solution would be to have a custom .zip().

itertools already offer a general solution, .zip_longest():

use itertools::EitherOrBoth::{Both, Left, Right};
use itertools::Itertools;

fn main() {
    let num1 = vec![1, 2];
    let num2 = vec![3];

    for i in num1
        .map(|x| match x {
            Both(a, b) => (a, b),
            Left(a) => (a, &0),
            Right(b) => (&0, b),
        println!("{:?}", i);

This require you write the closure everytime, if you need this feature a lot maybe implement a custom trait on iterator with .zip_default() where A and B implement Default:

use std::default::Default;
use std::iter::Fuse;

pub trait MyIterTools: Iterator {
    fn zip_default<J>(self, other: J) -> ZipDefault<Self, J::IntoIter>
        J: IntoIterator,
        Self: Sized,
        ZipDefault::new(self, other.into_iter())

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ZipDefault<I, J> {
    i: Fuse<I>,
    j: Fuse<J>,

impl<I, J> ZipDefault<I, J>
    I: Iterator,
    J: Iterator,
    fn new(i: I, j: J) -> Self {
        Self {
            i: i.fuse(),
            j: j.fuse(),

impl<T, U, A, B> Iterator for ZipDefault<T, U>
    T: Iterator<Item = A>,
    U: Iterator<Item = B>,
    A: Default,
    B: Default,
    type Item = (A, B);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match (self.i.next(), self.j.next()) {
            (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some((a, b)),
            (Some(a), None) => Some((a, B::default())),
            (None, Some(b)) => Some((A::default(), b)),
            (None, None) => None,

impl<T: ?Sized> MyIterTools for T where T: Iterator {}

fn main() {
    let num1 = vec![1, 2];
    let num2 = vec![3];

    for i in num1
        println!("{:?}", i);

Using itertools we can delegate some logic:

use std::default::Default;
use itertools::Itertools;
use itertools::ZipLongest;
use itertools::EitherOrBoth::{Both, Left, Right};

pub trait MyIterTools: Iterator {
    fn zip_default<J>(self, j: J) -> ZipDefault<Self, J::IntoIter>
        Self: Sized,
        J: IntoIterator,
        ZipDefault::new(self, j.into_iter())

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ZipDefault<I, J> {
    inner: ZipLongest<I, J>,

impl<I, J> ZipDefault<I, J>
    I: Iterator,
    J: Iterator,
    fn new(i: I, j: J) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: i.zip_longest(j),

impl<T, U, A, B> Iterator for ZipDefault<T, U>
    T: Iterator<Item = A>,
    U: Iterator<Item = B>,
    A: Default,
    B: Default,
    type Item = (A, B);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match self.inner.next()? {
            Both(a, b) => Some((a, b)),
            Left(a) => Some((a, B::default())),
            Right(b) => Some((A::default(), b)),

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<T: ?Sized> MyIterTools for T where T: Iterator {}

fn main() {
    let num1 = vec![1, 2];
    let num2 = vec![3];

    for i in num1
        println!("{:?}", i);
like image 25
Stargateur Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 18:11


Zip will stop as soon as one of iterators stops producing values. If you know which is the longest, you can pad the shorter one with your default value:

use std::iter;

fn main() {
    let longer = vec![1, 2];
    let shorter = vec![3];

    for i in longer
        println!("{:?}", i);

If you don't know which is longest, you should use itertools, as Peter Varo suggests.

like image 15
Peter Hall Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 19:11

Peter Hall

If you can get the length of the iterators, as is in this case, a quick and dirty way could be:

use std::iter::repeat;

fn main() {
    let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let b = vec![4, 5, 6, 7];

    for i in a
        println!("{:?}", i);

You can also implement a trait containing a zip_default() using this approach:

pub trait MyIterTools<X: Default + Clone>: ExactSizeIterator<Item = X> {
    fn zip_default<J, Y>(self, j: J) -> ZipDefault<Self, J::IntoIter, X, Y>
        Self: Sized,
        J: IntoIterator<Item = Y>,
        J::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator,
        Y: Default + Clone,
        ZipDefault::new(self, j.into_iter())

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ZipDefault<
    I: ExactSizeIterator<Item = X>,
    J: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Y>,
    X: Default + Clone,
    Y: Default + Clone,
> {
    inner: Zip<Chain<I, Take<Repeat<X>>>, Chain<J, Take<Repeat<Y>>>>,

        I: ExactSizeIterator<Item = X>,
        J: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Y>,
        X: Default + Clone,
        Y: Default + Clone,
    > ZipDefault<I, J, X, Y>
    fn new(a: I, b: J) -> Self {
        let a_len = a.len();
        let b_len = b.len();
        Self {
            inner: a

        I: ExactSizeIterator<Item = X>,
        J: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Y>,
        X: Default + Clone,
        Y: Default + Clone,
    > Iterator for ZipDefault<I, J, X, Y>
    type Item = (X, Y);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<T: ExactSizeIterator<Item = X>, X: Default + Clone> MyIterTools<X> for T {}
fn main() {
    let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let b = vec![4, 5, 6, 7];

        .for_each(|i| println!("{:?}", i));
like image 1
Tianyi Shi Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 19:11

Tianyi Shi