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Is it possible to have multiple coexisting Rust installations?




Would it be possible to have a nightly build Rust compiler for convenience (faster build cycle, auto-update) and a dev version of Rust cloned from GitHub for experimentation purposes?

The idea is I have a binary version of Rust for my various project and a version of Rust I can hack on, without them causing havoc between each other.

If it matters, assume my OS is Ubuntu 64-bit.

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Daniel Fath Avatar asked Mar 31 '14 10:03

Daniel Fath

2 Answers

The current solution is to use rustup. Once installed, you can install multiple toolchains:

rustup install nightly
rustup install stable
rustup install 1.7

If you have a local build of Rust, you can link it as a toolchain

rustup toolchain link my-development /path/to/rust/code

You can pick a default toolchain

rustup default stable

Or add an override toolchain for a specific directory on your machine only via rustup

cd /my/cool/project
rustup override set nightly

Or add an override toolchain that lives with a specific directory, like a repository, via a rust-toolchain file

cd /my/cool/project
echo "nightly" > rust-toolchain

If you want to just use a different toolchain temporarily, you can use the "plus syntax":

rustc +1.7 --help
cargo +nightly build

In other cases you can use rustup run to run any arbitrary command in a specific toolchain:

rustup run nightly any command you want here 

See also:

  • How to execute cargo test using the nightly channel?
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Shepmaster Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10


Sure. In the development version, use the --prefix option to ./configure, e.g. --prefix=~/opt/rust-dev, and then its installed files will be contained entirely inside that directory.

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Chris Morgan Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Chris Morgan