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How to I tell Rust where to look for a static library?



Is there any way to tell Rust where to look for my static library? Example code

#[link(name = "/this/is/the/path/libfoo.a", kind = "static")]

If not, what config change can I make or what folder do I place my library in so that I can use it?

like image 321
goo Avatar asked Oct 07 '14 23:10


1 Answers

rustc invokes the system linker which looks for all libraries specified in #[link(...)] in library directories. There are usually several default library directories (like /lib and /usr/lib on Linux), and more can be specified via linker flags (rustc accepts -L options which it then passes through to the linker).

If you invoke rustc directly, you can use the -L option to add additional library directories which will be then passed through to the linker. If you use Cargo, however, you've got a few more options:

  • Cargo adds the /target/<profile>/deps directory as a library source directory.

  • You can use cargo rustc

    cargo rustc -- -L /path/to/library/directory 
  • You can specify the RUSTFLAGS environment variable:

    RUSTFLAGS='-L /path/to/library/directory' cargo build
  • You can use a build script to output more linker options


The easiest way for you, I think, is to add a custom build script which will copy or create a symlink to your library in the corresponding /target/<profile>/deps directory.

like image 60
Vladimir Matveev Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Vladimir Matveev