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Whats the idiomatic way to reference BufReader/BufWriter when passing it between functions?




After reading the std::io::BufReader docs, I'm not sure how to best pass a BufReader between functions. Multiple permutations are allowed, but which is best?

I have a function that takes a file:

use std::{fs::File, io::BufReader};

fn read_some_data(f: &mut std::fs::File) {
    let mut reader = BufReader::new(f);
    read_some_other_data(&mut reader);

While this can be made to work, which permutation of reference access should be used when passing the reader around to other functions?

  • &mut BufReader<&mut File>
  • BufReader<&mut File>
  • &mut BufReader<File>
  • BufReader<File>

Since there is no need for each function to own the data I was thinking it would be best to pass as &mut BufReader<&mut File>, but the example in the docs uses <File>.

Whats a good rule of thumb to use here?

While this example uses BufReader, I assume the same answer would apply to BufWriter too.

like image 915
ideasman42 Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 07:09


2 Answers

The most idiomatic way is probably not to reference std::io::BufReader at all. You actually want to refer to the traits Read and/or BufRead

use std::io:BufRead;

// Could also take by move if needed
fn read_data<R: BufRead>(r: &mut R);

The function usually doesn't really care whether a reader is specifically the type std::io::BufReader, merely that it has the same functionality.

This also gives you complete freedom to choose between BufReader<File>, BufReader<&mut File> or whichever other specialization you need. (It doesn't even have to be a file, which can help for testing!)

As for whether to use &mut versus a move, generally in Rust it's standard to only request what you need. If you (and the functions you call) only require an immutable reference (&T), use that, if you require mutability, use &mut T.

Move is a bit more flexible, because while it can be used simply based on whether you need to use a function that takes something by value, it's also frequently used to assert that the function will "use up" the data in some way.

This is why BufReader usually takes a File and not a reference, and why most high-level "parse this file" IO functions tend to move by value. It's generally not the case that you consume part of a File or reader with one adapter, and the rest with another.

In fact, this is conceptually so strong that rather than giving a reference, it's much more common to just move the File into a higher-level reader and call a function like into_inner to retrieve the file whenever you need to switch adapters.

like image 91
Linear Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11


Looking at the way BufReader's methods are invoked (on &mut self or self) I would say you will usually want to pass &mut BufReader, or BufReader if the function needs to own the BufReader in order to e.g. convert it into a Bytes or Chars iterator.

The reason why docs describe BufReader<File> and not BufReader<&mut File> is because the BufReader owns its underlying Read instance.

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ljedrz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 13:11
