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How to input an integer in haskell? (input in console)




How can I enter an integer in the console, store it in a variable and then pass it as a parameter of a function that I have created?

So far so that it works I had to do as follows:

In the last line you can see how I have been applying the function, what I want to do is to ask for the variables by console to be applied as integers to the function and then print the result.

    mayor :: Int -> Int -> Double
    mayor x y =
        if  x < y 
        then 0.1
            else 0.3

    compra :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double
    compra n v u iva p vp =
        let valor_compra = (fromIntegral v) * (fromIntegral n) * (1 - mayor n u)
            valor_iva = valor_compra * (fromIntegral iva) / 100
            valor_puntos = fromIntegral (p * vp)
            efectivo = if (valor_puntos < valor_compra) then valor_compra-valor_puntos else 0
        in  valor_iva + efectivo

    main = do
    print (compra 20 2000 7 14 10 1500)

The way I do it gives me as a result 16920.0

like image 297
delta1020 Avatar asked Feb 13 '17 21:02


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If you are using an interactive Haskell prompt (like GHCi) you can type :t <expression> and that will give you the type of an expression. e.g. or e.g.

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1 Answers

If the integers are entered on same line, we can do something like below. The below program reads two numbers separated by space and prints their sum.

main :: IO()
main = do
    line <- getLine
    let a = (read (takeWhile (/= ' ') line) :: Int)
    let b = (read (drop 1 (dropWhile (/= ' ') line)) :: Int)
    putStrLn (show (a+b)) 
like image 163
user2159471 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10
