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How to use other Angular2 service inside an ngrx/Store reducer?

New to both ngrx/Store and reducer. Basically, I have this reducer:

import {StoreData, INITIAL_STORE_DATA} from "../store-data"; import {Action} from "@ngrx/store"; import {   USER_THREADS_LOADED_ACTION, UserThreadsLoadedAction, SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_ACTION,   SendNewMessageAction } from "../actions"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {Message} from "../../shared-vh/model/message"; import {ThreadsService} from "../../shared-vh/services/threads.service";  export function storeData(state: StoreData = INITIAL_STORE_DATA, action: Action): StoreData {     switch (action.type) {      case SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_ACTION:       return handleSendNewMessageAction(state, action);      default:       return state   } }  function handleSendNewMessageAction(state:StoreData, action:SendNewMessageAction): StoreData {    const newStoreData = _.cloneDeep(state);    const currentThread = newStoreData.threads[action.payload.threadId];    const newMessage: Message = {     text: action.payload.text,     threadId: action.payload.threadId,     timestamp: new Date().getTime(),     participantId: action.payload.participantId,     id: [need a function from this service: ThreadsService]   }    currentThread.messageIds.push(newMessage.id);    newStoreData.messages[newMessage.id] = newMessage;    return newStoreData; } 

The problem is within the reducer function, I do not know how to inject an injectable service I created in a different file and use the function within it. The id part - I need to generate a firebase push ID using function like this.threadService.generateID() ...

But since this is a function, I do not have a constructor to use DI and I have no idea how to get functions within threadService!

like image 689
Hugh Hou Avatar asked Jan 22 '17 21:01

Hugh Hou

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1 Answers

There is no mechanism for injecting services into reducers. Reducers are supposed to be pure functions.

Instead, you should use ngrx/effects - which is the mechanism for implementing action side-effects. Effects listens for particular actions, perform some side-effect and then (optionally) emit further actions.

Typically, you would split your action into three: the request; the success response; and the error response. For example, you might use:


And your effect would look something like this:

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"; import { Actions, Effect, toPayload } from "@ngrx/effects"; import { Action } from "@ngrx/store"; import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable"; import "rxjs/add/operator/map";  @Injectable() export class ThreadEffects {    constructor(     private actions: Actions,     private service: ThreadsService   ) {}    @Effect()   sendNewMessage(): Observable<Action> {      return this.actions       .ofType(SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_REQ_ACTION)       .map(toPayload)       .map(payload => {         try {           return {               type: SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_RES_ACTION,               payload: {                   id: service.someFunction(),                   // ...               }           };         } catch (error) {           return {               type: SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_ERR_ACTION               payload: {                 error: error.toString(),                 // ...               }           };         }       });   } } 

Rather than interacting with the service, your reducer would then be a pure function that would need only to handle the SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_RES_ACTION and SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_ERR_ACTION to do something appropriate with the success or error payloads.

Effects are observable-based, so incorporating synchronous, promise-based or observable-based services is straight forward.

There are some effects in the ngrx/example-app.

Regarding your queries in the comments:

The .map(toPayload) is just for convinience. toPayload is an ngrx function that exists so it can be passed to .map to extract the action's payload, that's all.

Calling a service that's observable-based is straight-forward. Typically, you'd do something like this:

import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable"; import "rxjs/add/observable/of"; import "rxjs/add/operator/catch"; import "rxjs/add/operator/map"; import "rxjs/add/operator/switchMap";  @Effect() sendNewMessage(): Observable<Action> {    return this.actions     .ofType(SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_REQ_ACTION)     .map(toPayload)     .switchMap(payload => service.someFunctionReturningObservable(payload)       .map(result => {         type: SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_RES_ACTION,         payload: {           id: result.id,           // ...         }       })       .catch(error => Observable.of({         type: SEND_NEW_MESSAGE_ERR_ACTION         payload: {           error: error.toString(),           // ...         }       }))     ); } 

Also, effects can be declared as functions returning Observable<Action> or as properties of type Observable<Action>. If you are looking at other examples, you are likely to come across both forms.

like image 165
cartant Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
