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How to mock/spy an imported function in Angular unit testing

Let's say i have an angular 6 component with a method test which returns some value:

import { doSomething } from './helper';  @Component({     ... }) export class AppComponent {     test() {         const data = doSomething(1);         return data.something ? 1: 2;     } } 

doSomething is just a simple helper function:

export function doSomething() {     return { something: 1 }; } 

Is it possible to mock or spy this function in a unit test (so i can control its returnValue)? Or do i have to change my approach in the component?

Please note: doSomething() can be a lodash function, a const, a class etc. I just tried to keep the example as simple as possible.

Things i've tried:

  • SpyOn doesn't work because function is not attached to anything

  • Importing an mock-function into the imports array of TestBed.configureTestingModule gives Unexpected value 'doSomething' imported by the module 'DynamicTestModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation.

  • Creating a service for it works but it feels silly to have to create services for each imported function

like image 948
user7995820 Avatar asked May 30 '18 12:05


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1 Answers

In your spec file import the helper this way:

import * as helper from './helper'; 

And in your it() you can spy on the helper object and return the requested value:

spyOn(helper, 'doSomething').and.returnValue({}); 
like image 137
MDI Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10