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Wrapping a FormControl in Angular (2+)

I'm trying to create a custom form control in Angular (v5). The custom control is essentially a wrapper around an Angular Material component, but with some extra stuff going on.

I've read various tutorials on implementing ControlValueAccessor, but I can't find anything that accounts for writing a component to wrap an existing component.

Ideally, I want a custom component that displays the Angular Material component (with some extra bindings and stuff going on), but to be able to pass in validation from the parent form (e.g. required) and have the Angular Material components handle that.


Outer component, containing a form and using custom component

<form [formGroup]="myForm">     <div formArrayName="things">         <div *ngFor="let thing of things; let i = index;">             <app-my-custom-control [formControlName]="i"></app-my-custom-control>         </div>     </div> </form> 

Custom component template

Essentially my custom form component just wraps an Angular Material drop-down with autocomplete. I could do this without creating a custom component, but it seems to make sense to do it this way as all the code for handling filtering etc. can live within that component class, rather than being in the container class (which doesn't need to care about the implementation of this).

<mat-form-field>   <input matInput placeholder="Thing" aria-label="Thing" [matAutocomplete]="thingInput">   <mat-autocomplete #thingInput="matAutocomplete">     <mat-option *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async" [value]="option">       {{ option }}     </mat-option>   </mat-autocomplete> </mat-form-field> 

So, on the input changing, that value should be used as the form value.

Things I've tried

I've tried a few ways of doing this, all with their own pitfalls:

Simple event binding

Bind to keyup and blur events on the input, and then notify the parent of the change (i.e. call the function that Angular passes into registerOnChange as part of implementing ControlValueAccessor).

That sort of works, but on selecting a value from the dropdown it seems the change events don't fire and you end up in an inconsistent state.

It also doesn't account for validation (e.g. if it's "required", when a value isn;t set the form control will correctly be invalid, but the Angular Material component won't show as such).

Nested form

This is a bit closer. I've created a new form within the custom component class, which has a single control. In the component template, I pass in that form control to the Angular Material component. In the class, I subscribe to valueChanges of that and then propagate the changes back to the parent (via the function passed into registerOnChange).

This sort of works, but feels messy and like there should be a better way.

It also means that any validation applied to my custom form control (by the container component) is ignored, as I've created a new "inner form" that lacks the original validation.

Don't use ControlValueAccessor at all, and instead just pass in the form

As the title says... I tried not doing this the "proper" way, and instead added a binding to the parent form. I then create a form control within the custom component as part of that parent form.

This works for handling value updates, and to an extent validation (but it has to be created as part of the component, not the parent form), but this just feels wrong.


What's the proper way of handling this? It feels like I'm just stumbling through different anti-patterns, but I can't find anything in the docs to suggest that this is even supported.

like image 763
Tom Seldon Avatar asked Nov 19 '17 13:11

Tom Seldon

People also ask

Can we use ngModel with FormControl?

ngModel and FormControls Don't Mix Support for using the ngModel input property and ngModelChange event with reactive form directives has been deprecated in Angular v6 and is scheduled for removal in a future version of Angular.

What is the difference between formControlName and FormControl?

[formControl] assigns a reference to the FormControl instance you created to the FormControlDirective . formControlName assigns a string for the forms module to look up the control by name. If you create variables for the controls, you also don't need the .

What does FormControl do in Angular?

What are form controls in Angular? In Angular, form controls are classes that can hold both the data values and the validation information of any form element. Every form input you have in a reactive form should be bound by a form control. These are the basic units that make up reactive forms.

2 Answers


I've added a helper for doing just this an angular utilities library I've started: s-ng-utils. Using that you can extend WrappedFormControlSuperclass and write:

@Component({   selector: 'my-wrapper',   template: '<input [formControl]="formControl">',   providers: [provideValueAccessor(MyWrapper)], }) export class MyWrapper extends WrappedFormControlSuperclass<string> {   // ... } 

See some more documentation here.

One solution is to get the @ViewChild() corresponding to the inner form components ControlValueAccessor, and delegating to it in your own component. For example:

@Component({   selector: 'my-wrapper',   template: '<input ngDefaultControl>',   providers: [     {       provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,       useExisting: forwardRef(() => NumberInputComponent),       multi: true,     },   ], }) export class MyWrapper implements ControlValueAccessor {   @ViewChild(DefaultValueAccessor) private valueAccessor: DefaultValueAccessor;    writeValue(obj: any) {     this.valueAccessor.writeValue(obj);   }    registerOnChange(fn: any) {     this.valueAccessor.registerOnChange(fn);   }    registerOnTouched(fn: any) {     this.valueAccessor.registerOnTouched(fn);   }    setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean) {     this.valueAccessor.setDisabledState(isDisabled);   } } 

The ngDefaultControl in the template above is to manually trigger angular to attach its normal DefaultValueAccessor to the input. This happens automatically if you use <input ngModel>, but we don't want the ngModel here, just the value accessor. You'll need to change DefaultValueAccessor above to whatever the value accessor is for the material dropdown - I'm not familiar with Material myself.

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Eric Simonton Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Eric Simonton

I'm a bit late to the party but here is what I did with wrapping a component which might accept formControlName, formControl, or ngModel

@Component({   selector: 'app-input',   template: '<input [formControl]="control">',   styleUrls: ['./app-input.component.scss'] }) export class AppInputComponent implements OnInit, ControlValueAccessor {   constructor(@Optional() @Self() public ngControl: NgControl) {     if (this.ngControl != null) {       // Setting the value accessor directly (instead of using the providers) to avoid running into a circular import.       this.ngControl.valueAccessor = this;     }   }    control: FormControl;    // These are just to make Angular happy. Not needed since the control is passed to the child input   writeValue(obj: any): void { }   registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void { }   registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { }    ngOnInit() {     if (this.ngControl instanceof FormControlName) {       const formGroupDirective = this.ngControl.formDirective as FormGroupDirective;       if (formGroupDirective) {         this.control = formGroupDirective.form.controls[this.ngControl.name] as FormControl;       }     } else if (this.ngControl instanceof FormControlDirective) {       this.control = this.ngControl.control;     } else if (this.ngControl instanceof NgModel) {       this.control = this.ngControl.control;       this.control.valueChanges.subscribe(x => this.ngControl.viewToModelUpdate(this.control.value));     } else if (!this.ngControl) {       this.control = new FormControl();     }   } }  
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Maxim Balaganskiy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Maxim Balaganskiy