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How to use block/closure in swift

In one of my app I have used block for webservice calling and getting response. Now I want to write this app in swift, but I am getting trouble to use blocks/Closure in Swift. Here is my objective C code which I want to migrate in swift:

calling a class method of Communicator

[[Communicator sharedInstance]callWebService:WS_LOGIN withMethod:POST_METHOD andParams:params showLoader:YES completionBlockSuccess:^(id obj) {
   //Do play with data
}completionBlockFailiure:^(id obj) {
   //Show alert with error

in communicator class

-(void)callWebService:(NSString *)serviceName withMethod:(NSString *)methodName andParams:(NSDictionary *)params showLoader:(BOOL)showLoader completionBlockSuccess:(void (^)(id))aBlock completionBlockFailiure:(void (^)(id))aFailBlock
   if (showLoader) {
   // show loader
   [self performRequestWithServiceName:serviceName method:methodName andParams:params successblock:aBlock failureblock:aFailBlock];

- (void)performRequestWithServiceName:(NSString *)serviceName method:(NSString*)methodName andParams:(NSDictionary*)params
                 successblock:(void (^)(id obj))successBlock
                 failureblock:(void (^)(id obj))failBlock {
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Mayank Jain Avatar asked Jul 18 '15 11:07

Mayank Jain

2 Answers

For Swift. Use AnyObject for id objc type.

func callWebservice (serviceName: String, withMethod method: String, andParams params: NSDictionary, showLoader loader: Bool, completionBlockSuccess aBlock: ((AnyObject) -> Void), andFailureBlock failBlock: ((AnyObject) -> Void)) {
    if loader {
        // Show loader

    performRequestWithServiceName(serviceName, method: method, andParams: params, success: aBlock, failure: failBlock)

func performRequestWithServiceName(serviceName: String, method methodName: String, andParams params: NSDictionary, success successBlock: ((AnyObject) -> Void), failure failureBlock: ((AnyObject) -> Void)) {
    if callSuceess {
    }else {

UPDATE: An example when you want call web service. See code below

callWebservice("your-service-name", withMethod: "your-method", andParams: ["your-dic-key": "your dict value"], showLoader: true/*or false*/, completionBlockSuccess: { (success) -> Void in
    // your successful handle
}) { (failure) -> Void in
    // your failure handle
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Long Pham Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Long Pham

Your code might look like this:

func callWebService(serviceName: String, method: String, params: [String : AnyObject], showLoader: Bool, success: (responseObject: AnyObject) -> Void, failure: (responseObject: AnyObject) -> Void) {
    if showLoader {
        // show loader

    performRequest(serviceName, method: method, params: params, success: success, failure: failure)

func performRequest(serviceName: String, method: String, params: [String : AnyObject], success: (responseObject: AnyObject) -> Void, failure: (responseObject: AnyObject) -> Void) {


I replaced NSDictionary with [String : AnyObject]. If you can replace any of the uses of AnyObject with more specific types, your code will be cleaner and more stable.

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Aaron Brager Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Aaron Brager