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SecItemCopyMatching returns -25300

I have the following codesnippet in my app.

    CFTypeRef result = nil;
    OSStatus userPresenceStatus = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)query, &result);

SecItemCopyMatching returns -25300. It happens on some iPhone 6 devices but not on every device. What does this code mean ? What can be the cause ?

Thanks for your advice Frank

like image 394
frank van vliet Avatar asked Jul 13 '15 07:07

frank van vliet

1 Answers

Error 25300 is errSecItemNotFound, which means that there is no such item in your key chain.

And you can find a list of potential result codes for Keychain Services here.

I'm guessing the keychain item you are trying to match against doesn't exist on that particular device.

like image 184
Michael Dautermann Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 13:11

Michael Dautermann