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How to update OData WCF in Visual Studio 2017?

Trying to update Service Reference in an existing project, I got an error that says,

The specified OData API cannot be updated because OData APIs are now only supported with Connected Services.

enter image description here

The aka link (http://aka.ms/odatavsclientguidance) leads to http://odata.github.io/odata.net/#OData-Client-Code-Generation-Tool.

enter image description here

There is no instruction for VS 2017.

The instruction below leads me to the OData Connected Serve VS extension. (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=laylaliu.ODataConnectedService) enter image description here

And it appears that extension cannot be installed in VS 2017. enter image description here

Scroll to the bottom of the extension description page, we will see all the questions about its VS 2017 version.

enter image description here

So the question: is that OData extension the only to update OData Service in VS 2017? What walk around do we have?

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Blaise Avatar asked May 15 '17 14:05


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In the Solution Explorer right-click on YourSolution/YourProject/References. Select "Add Service Reference..." from the context menu. In the Add Service Reference dialog, enter the service metadata endpoint URL in Address line and press Go button. Select a service from the list and specify Namespace.

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Visual Studio provides tools for working with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and WCF Data Services, Microsoft technologies for creating distributed applications.

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NET Core or . NET Standard project, this option is available when you right-click on the Dependencies node of the project in Solution Explorer and choose Manage Connected Services.) On the Connected Services page, select Add Service Reference.

1 Answers

The official Visual Studio Marketplace code generation tool, which you refer to in your post, now supports Visual Studio 2017.

One notable difference from how one would normally go about setting up OData references is that where one would previously use Visual Studio's "Add Service Reference" directly to generate the relevant code, installing the tool adds a "Add Connected Service" instead.

See also the discussion in this GitHub issue.

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fuglede Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
