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Locate all "light bulb" actions in VS 2015

Is there a way to display all of the places where Roslyn has determined that there is a style change to be made (i.e. a light bulb shows up)? I'd like to see them all in a list similar to the errors/warnings tab.

This appears to be different than both build and Intellisense warnings/errors. For instance, if I have an unused "using" statement in my C# file, this qualifies for a quick action (i.e. light bulb), but doesn't show up in the list of warnings and errors.

like image 776
Ben Thul Avatar asked Sep 06 '15 23:09

Ben Thul

1 Answers

Just to summarize the answer, you can see all the "light bulbs" (quick action, fix or screwdriver) in the Error List window (in View menu); you need the Messages button to be enabled (next to errors and warnings) and only the items for the documents currently opened are displayed.

enter image description here

like image 191
Paolo Vigori Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Paolo Vigori