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How to test controller with Rspec - #show action

I have a Batch model that belongs_to a User. User should only see their own Batches instances.

For the index action, here is what I did:


context "GET index" do

  it "should get only users batches" do
    batch = FactoryGirl.create(:batch)
    batch2 = FactoryGirl.create(:batch)            
    subject.current_user.batches << batch
    get "index"
    assigns(:batches).should == subject.current_user.batches
    assigns(:batches).should_not include(batch2) 


For the create action, here is what I did:


context "POST create" do

  it "should save a users batch into current_user" do
    batch = subject.current_user.batches.build(name: 'bla')
    put :create, batch
    subject.current_user.batches.should include(batch)

  it "should save a batch from other user into current_user" do
    batch = subject.current_user.batches.build(name: 'bla')
    batch2 = FactoryGirl.create(:batch)
    put :create, batch
    subject.current_user.batches.should_not include(batch2)


However, I'm not sure how to test this behaviour in the show action. Here is what I'm doing:


context "GET show/:id" do

  it "should show batches from user" do
    batch_params = FactoryGirl.build(:batch)
    batch = subject.current_user.batches.create(batch_params)
    get :show, id: batch.id
    response.should redirect_to(batch)

  it "should not show batches from other users" do
    batch = subject.current_user.batches.create(name: 'bla')
    batch2 = FactoryGirl.create(:batch)
    get :show, id: batch2.id
    response.should redirect_to(:batches)


I'm getting the following failures:


  1) BatchesController GET show/:id should not show batches from other users
     Failure/Error: response.should redirect_to(:batches)
       Expected response to be a <:redirect>, but was <200>
     # ./spec/controllers/batches_controller_spec.rb:66:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) BatchesController GET show/:id should show batches from user
     Failure/Error: batch = subject.current_user.batches.create(batch_params)
       undefined method `stringify_keys' for #<Batch:0x00000005d0ef80>
     # ./spec/controllers/batches_controller_spec.rb:58:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

What am I doing wrong? How should I test this behaviour of view action?

like image 237
João Daniel Avatar asked Mar 15 '13 13:03

João Daniel

2 Answers

get :show, id: batch.id

will not redirect it will render show, hence the response code 200, may be you can check

response.should render_template :show 
like image 135
Rubyman Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09


The first failure, "should not show batches from other users," looks like it might reflect an actual problem in your controller. Did you also test this in the browser to confirm the problem is in your test and not in the actual code?

On the other test, I'm not quite sure what the problem is exactly, but I would probably build the batch like this instead:

batch = FactoryGirl.create(:batch, user: subject.current_user)

Give that a try and see if it doesn't resolve it.

like image 30
sockmonk Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09
