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Consolidating Rails Migrations on a Long Running Project

I'm working on a project that's accumulated hundreds of migrations, and I'm unsure what to do with them long term. I suppose they're no hurting anything, but it seems strange to keep around a bunch of old files for incremental migrations, some of them creating tables that are later removed.

So far, I've seen three possibilities:

  1. Leave them alone. They're not hurting anything.

  2. Just delete them. I don't see much harm in doing this, since a new developer would be probably be starting with schema load anyway, not migrations.

  3. Delete them all, create a new one with a timestamp matching an old merge, and create a new merge from your schema. This seems very clean, but I'm not sure who would actually use it.

I'm inclined to just delete them, but I'm curious if there's a big pitfall I'm missing.

like image 996
LastZactionHero Avatar asked Dec 11 '12 15:12


People also ask

Are Rails migrations run in a transaction?

On databases that support transactions with statements that change the schema, migrations are wrapped in a transaction. If the database does not support this then when a migration fails the parts of it that succeeded will not be rolled back. You will have to rollback the changes that were made by hand.

How does Rails keep track of migrations?

Every time a migration is generated using the rails g migration command, Rails generates the migration file with a unique timestamp. The timestamp is in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS . Whenever a migration is run, Rails inserts the migration timestamp into an internal table schema_migrations .

Can I delete migration files Rails?

No, since Rails would not know how to delete it. It needs to call the self. down method defined on your migration to "downgrade" your database.

Why do we need migration in Rails?

Migrations are a convenient way to alter your database schema over time in a consistent way. They use a Ruby DSL so that you don't have to write SQL by hand, allowing your schema and changes to be database independent. You can think of each migration as being a new 'version' of the database.

1 Answers

In my opinion, as soon as every database on the project, especially the production, are at least at version '201xxxxxxxx', it should be fine to delete migrations before that version. They are not technically necessary anymore.

After that, if you want to play archaeology with your database history, you can still use your version control system.

With Git for example, you can use the following commands to have a quick look over the past :

git log --name-only db/migrate/    #to list commit involving migrations + migration filename
git show xxxxx db/migrate          #to see the code of commit xxxxx's migration(s)

Alternatively, you can browse repository history of schema.rb, identify a commit and see the corresponding migration content with the command above.

If you prefer to have a lighter db/migrate and use Version control, I would go for a little cleanup.

If you find it more convenient to have the whole migrations history directly available because it's easier to browse, I would go for option 1.

Note: it is very likely that old migrations do not make sense with the current application code. For example, some migrations may refer to class or methods that don't exist anymore. Using version control to checkout the application at the time the migration was written could also avoid some confusion.

like image 198
AdrienK Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
