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How to Store Visual Studio's Debug Configuration in Source Control

Visual Studio's debug configurations are stored in the .user file which is user specific and traditionally ignored by source control.

I am interested in the working directory parameter. I need it to be consistent across programmer's machines and it have the value of $outDir instead of the default $ProjectDir.

How can I resolve these contradictions?

like image 861
Artium Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 16:12


1 Answers

Add this to the end of the vcxproj before the </project> tag:


I just checked it on 2010.

Visual studio will still show $(ProjectDir) in the IDE because I guess it populates it with whatever it finds in the .user file, but during building tasks it seems to process the .user file after the vcxproj; without an override in the .user it seems to accept what's set in the vcxproj.

Note that if you put this at the end of the vcxproj as I suggested, it is necessarily after the import of Microsoft.Cpp.props which is all that's important as @Claytorpedo points out

like image 170
zeromus Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 10:04
