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How to show code outline in Visual Studio?

This kind of stuff exists in Eclipse:

alt text

But I've not found it in Visual Studio yet. Is there such a window to show code outline at all?

I tried both Document Outline and Class View windows. The Class View is close, but it only shows class information, can it come up with function info also?

like image 900
Alan Avatar asked Sep 25 '10 12:09


People also ask

How do I enable outlining in Visual Studio?

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Advanced -> Outlining. Show activity on this post. Show activity on this post. For VS2008, it's under Tools – Options – Text Editor – C/C++ - Formatting - Enter outlining mode when files open.

What is code outline?

Code outliningBy default, code outlining is enabled in the Code viewer and you can adjust outlining settings for each tab separately. All code in the Code Viewer is visible when you open a new document. If necessary, you can collapse regions of the code to hide them from view.

1 Answers

One great plugin for VS is CodeMaid. It is powerful and it is open source! You can also sort your methods within the CodeMaid Spade view.

Here is a screenshot.

Code outline

like image 56
leoly Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
