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What keyboard shortcut is there to organize C# usings in Visual Studio?

Is there a way to organize C# usings (remove and sort, in separate or together) via a shortcut in Visual Studio for one or more files of a project?

I know that this can be done via the menu for one file by selecting

Edit > IntelliSense > Organize Usings > Remove and Sort

but I want to do this much faster. I am using Visual Studio 2013 Express for C# development (wondering how this can be done in older & other versions too though). Thank you in advance.

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Nick Louloudakis Avatar asked Jan 27 '15 15:01

Nick Louloudakis

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What is the keyboard shortcut for C?

Alternatively referred to as Cmd+C, Command+C is a keyboard shortcut used to copy highlighted text or other object to the clipboard in a graphical user environment. On Windows computers, the keyboard shortcut to copy is Ctrl + C .

What does Ctrl command C do?

(1) (ConTRoL-C) In a Windows PC, holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the C key copies the currently highlighted object. The Mac equivalent is Command-C. See Ctrl-V.

What happens with Alt +C?

Alt+C is a keyboard shortcut most often used to view the favorites in Internet Explorer.

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Ctrl+A These two keys will select all text or other objects. Ctrl+B Bold highlighted text. Ctrl+C Copy any selected text or another object.

1 Answers

Since VS2017, it's a builtin shortcut. Simply press Ctrl + R, Ctrl + G. Credit goes to Emanuel Ve, who mentioned this first in the comments; I'm putting the advice into an answer for greater visibility.

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James Ko Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

James Ko