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Since upgrading to Xcode 8, when I do a build with fastlane, I get the following error message:

There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project

If I go to Xcode > Build Settings and go down to Versioning, there is a Current Project Version key, as shown below:

screen shot of versioning

The help text says to enter an integer or floating point number, but when I click on the field, there is no opportunity to enter a number in either the Debug or Release field. This is different from the screen shot shown in this apple tech Q&A so there appears to have been a change in Xcode since the Q&A was released.

like image 635
Obromios Avatar asked Sep 24 '16 06:09


People also ask

Where is build settings in Xcode 11?

Choose the project in the Project Navigator on the left. Select the Configurations target from the Targets section and click the Build Settings tab at the top. The Build Settings tab shows the build settings for the Configurations target. It's possible to expand this list with build settings that you define.

What is CFBundleShortVersionString?

CFBundleShortVersionString is the external user facing release version of your app displayed in the App Store. It must follow the {major}. {minor}. {patch} version format of three period separated integers. This must be incremented every time you release a version to the App Store.

What is version and build in Xcode?

Other developers, including Apple, have a Build number comprised of a major version + minor version + number of builds for the release. These are the actual software version numbers, as opposed to the values used for marketing. If you go to Xcode menu > About Xcode, you'll see the Version and Build numbers.

2 Answers

Don't. Modify the values in your app's info.plist file instead.

This means not using agvtool (as I learned).

Why? Over the years, Apple has come up with several manners of changing version and build numbers. Many of them are now outdated and poor practice. Changing CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION modifies values within your project's project.pbxproj file and if you are running a distributed team, this will cause merge conflicts if the other half of the team tries to update and while they were asleep, you updated this internal value. If you are using pods, you'll get several more merge conflicts per pod that you add to the project.


Don't use it.

Within the info.plist file are these keys.


Use CFBundleVersion for your app's build number. Use CFBundleShortVersionString for your app's version number.

Use Plistbuddy to do it.


Try the script below.


# To make executable, use: chmod u+x Build-Versioning-Scripts/Increment_Build_Number.sh
# to locate your target's info.plist use

echo "----"
echo "Info.plist for target: ${PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH}"

buildNum=$(/usr/libexec/Plistbuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "${PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH}")
echo "Current build #: $buildNum"

if [ -z "$buildNum" ]; then
echo "No build number found in $PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH"
exit 2

buildNum=$(expr $buildNum + 1)
echo "Build # incremented to: $buildNum"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNum" "$PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH"
echo "----"
exit 0

By adding this script to your build or archive process on your build machine, this will automatically update the app's build number. If you wish to increment your app's version number, change CFBundleShortVersionString (Bundle versions string, short) in the info.plist manually.

like image 59
Alex Zavatone Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11

Alex Zavatone

Currently when you get that fastlane error, terminal logs redirects you to

Automating Version and Build Numbers Using agvtool

to understand what you need to do.


  1. Enable agvtool.

    Build Settings > Current Project Version > $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)

    Build Settings > Versioning System > Apple Generic enter image description here

  2. Set up your version and build numbers.

    Target > Info > Bundle versions string, short (CFBundleShortVersionString) > "your init version"

    Target > Info > Bundle version (CFBundleVersion) > "your init value" enter image description here

That helps me a lot.

like image 31
AlbertoMDF Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11
