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Xcode 8 AppStore upload (error 434)

When I tried to validate an App Store build using Xcode 8 I'm getting the following error:

ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain 434.

What does this mean?

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Rameez Avatar asked Oct 19 '16 20:10


3 Answers

I received the same error on multiple attempts. I made some changes (to provisioning profiles etc.) and then validation worked fine a couple of times. But then the error message came back for no apparent reason. Seems like a bug on Apple's side.

Since then I switched to use Application Loader, and with that workflow I have not encountered any problems. Here's how.

  1. In the Xcode Organizer, I do not use "Validate...", but instead "Export..." to save the my_product.ipa file.

  2. Then open Apple's Application Loader (Xcode menu > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader), and with that I upload the my_product.ipa to iTunes Connect.

This process has seemed reliable to me.

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rene Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11


Firstly, I received the same error on multiple times. Change some codes, finally release that :


unchecked "include bitcode" , then validate (in my case it was successful)


Validate with checked "include bitcode"

P.S : Next time, I used XCODE Application Loader. It will be ok for deploy your application.

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ElvinM Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11


For what it's worth, this appears to be intermittent. I just received the error and literally did a retry without doing anything else and it worked.

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Gary Foster Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11

Gary Foster