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Xcode: how to hide warnings on a storyboard?

I often add the constraints in code and the warnings are useless. I am looking for a way to effectively hide warnings for storyboards.

The following solution is unfortunately unsuccessful:

Select Project Build Settings -> Interface Builder XIB Compiler - Options -> Show Warnings -> set to „NO"

Select Project Build Settings -> Interface Builder Storyboard Compiler - Options -> Show Warnings -> set to „NO"

enter image description here

This does not work!

I have cleaned my project and restarted Xcode, but the warnings (for example Ambiguous Layout: Scrollable content size is ambiguous for „scrollView”) continue to appear.

like image 703
David Silva Avatar asked Oct 10 '17 17:10

David Silva

1 Answers

These warnings are kept for a reason. As Woof said in comments, its not fair looking a way to hide the warnings.

For hiding warnings from your Issue Inspector you could have used the answer i have posted here

enter image description here

like image 132
Saranjith Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10
