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How to see the changes between two commits without commits in-between?




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How do I see changes between two commits?

To see the changes between two commits, you can use git diff ID1.. ID2 , where ID1 and ID2 identify the two commits you're interested in, and the connector .. is a pair of dots. For example, git diff abc123.. def456 shows the differences between the commits abc123 and def456 , while git diff HEAD~1..

Which git command shows the changes between commits?

Diffing is a function that takes two input data sets and outputs the changes between them. git diff is a multi-use Git command that when executed runs a diff function on Git data sources. These data sources can be commits, branches, files and more.

How do I show only the names of changes in git?

git show --name-only SHA1 . you can also do: git diff --name-only HEAD@{3} HEAD@{0} for the exact commits you want to compare.

What is the command to check diff in git?

The diff can be done with git diff (followed by the filename or nothing if you want to see the diff of all modified files). But if you already did something like git add * , you have to undo with git restore --staged .

you can simply pass the 2 commits to git diff like :

-> git diff 0da94be  59ff30c > my.patch
-> git apply my.patch

Asking for the difference /between/ two commits without including the commits in-between makes little sense. Commits are just snapshots of the contents of the repository; asking for the difference between two necessarily includes them. So the question then is, what are you really looking for?

As William suggested, cherry-picking can give you the delta of a single commit rebased on top of another. That is:

$ git checkout 012345
$ git cherry-pick -n abcdef
$ git diff --cached

This takes commit 'abcdef', compares it to its immediate ancestor, then applies that difference on top of '012345'. This new difference is then shown - the only change is the context comes from '012345' rather than 'abcdef's immediate ancestor. Of course, you may get conflicts and etc, so it's not a very useful process in most cases.

If you're just interested in abcdef itself, you can do:

$ git log -u -1 abcdef

This compares abcdef to its immediate ancestor, alone, and is usually what you want.

And of course

$ git diff 012345..abcdef

gives you all differences between those two commits.

It would help to get a better idea of what you're trying to achieve - as I mentioned, asking for the difference between two commits without what's in between doesn't actually make sense.

To compare two git commits 12345 and abcdef as patches one can use the diff command as

diff <(git show 123456) <(git show abcdef)

git diff <a-commit> <another-commit> path


git diff commit1 commit2 config/routes.rb

It shows the difference on that file between those commits.