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How to save the IsExpanded state in group headers of a listview

I have quite a tricky problem:

I am using a ListView control with the ItemsSource set to a CollectionViewSource including a PropertyGroupDescription to group the ListView elements. The CollectionViewSource looks like this:

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="ListViewObjects">
      <Binding Path="CurrentListViewData"/>
      <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="ObjectType" />

In the ListView I use customize the group headers like this:

         <Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5"/>
            <Setter Property="Template">
                  <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}">
                     <Expander IsExpanded="True">
                              <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Items[0].ObjectType />
                           <ItemsPresenter />

As you can see the IsExpanded property of the Expander is set to true. This means that whenever the ListView is refreshed, all Expander controls are expanded.

I do however want to save the last state of every Expander. I haven't been able to figure out a way to save a list of Expander states per ObjectType. I was experimenting with a bound HashTable and a Converter, but I failed at providing the ObjectType as a ConverterParameter, because it was always passed as a string. But that may not be the solution anyways.

Can somebody give me a hint or an idea for a solution, please? :)

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Holger Adam Avatar asked May 11 '10 07:05

Holger Adam

3 Answers

The accepted answer is wrong as explained in the comments. I wrote the following behavior which achieves the desired functionality:

public class PersistGroupExpandedStateBehavior : Behavior<Expander>
    #region Static Fields

    public static readonly DependencyProperty GroupNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        new PropertyMetadata(default(object)));

    private static readonly DependencyProperty ExpandedStateStoreProperty =
            typeof(IDictionary<object, bool>), 
            new PropertyMetadata(default(IDictionary<object, bool>)));


    #region Public Properties

    public object GroupName
            return (object)this.GetValue(GroupNameProperty);

            this.SetValue(GroupNameProperty, value);


    #region Methods

    protected override void OnAttached()

        bool? expanded = this.GetExpandedState();

        if (expanded != null)
            this.AssociatedObject.IsExpanded = expanded.Value;

        this.AssociatedObject.Expanded += this.OnExpanded;
        this.AssociatedObject.Collapsed += this.OnCollapsed;

    protected override void OnDetaching()
        this.AssociatedObject.Expanded -= this.OnExpanded;
        this.AssociatedObject.Collapsed -= this.OnCollapsed;


    private ItemsControl FindItemsControl()
        DependencyObject current = this.AssociatedObject;

        while (current != null && !(current is ItemsControl))
            current = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current);

        if (current == null)
            return null;

        return current as ItemsControl;

    private bool? GetExpandedState()
        var dict = this.GetExpandedStateStore();

        if (!dict.ContainsKey(this.GroupName))
            return null;

        return dict[this.GroupName];

    private IDictionary<object, bool> GetExpandedStateStore()
        ItemsControl itemsControl = this.FindItemsControl();

        if (itemsControl == null)
            throw new Exception(
                "Behavior needs to be attached to an Expander that is contained inside an ItemsControl");

        var dict = (IDictionary<object, bool>)itemsControl.GetValue(ExpandedStateStoreProperty);

        if (dict == null)
            dict = new Dictionary<object, bool>();
            itemsControl.SetValue(ExpandedStateStoreProperty, dict);

        return dict;

    private void OnCollapsed(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    private void OnExpanded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    private void SetExpanded(bool expanded)
        var dict = this.GetExpandedStateStore();

        dict[this.GroupName] = expanded;


It attaches a dictionary to the containing ItemsControl which saves the expanded state for every group item. This will be peristent, even if the items in the control changes.


        <behaviors:PersistGroupExpandedStateBehavior GroupName="{Binding Name}" />
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aKzenT Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


You could create a new class with a Dictionary (say, ObjectType as a key to bool values), and give it an indexer:

    Dictionary<ObjectType, bool> expandStates = new Dictionary<ObjectType, bool>();

    public bool this[ObjectType key]
            if (!expandStates.ContainsKey(key)) return false;
            return expandStates[key];
            expandStates[key] = value;

Then, instantiate it in a ResourceDictionary somewhere and bind the IsExpanded to it like this:

<Expander IsExpanded="{Binding Source={StaticResource myExpMgr}, Path=[Items[0].ObjectType]}">

That might well do it: a nice way of getting WPF to call your code and pass a parameter just when you need it. (That WPF lets you put subexpressions in indexers in a binding path was news to me - good though isn't it!)

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Kieren Johnstone Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Kieren Johnstone

The marked Answer Doesn't work in .Net 4.5.

A simple solution for this is to add a

    private bool _isExpanded = true;
    public bool IsExpanded
        get { return _isExpanded; }
        set { _isExpanded = value; }

property to your ViewModel (In this case Whatever objects CurrentListViewData holds)

and then do:

<Expander IsExpanded="{Binding Items[0].IsExpanded}">

on your template.

Simple and effective just like WPF should be

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User1 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
