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StringBuilder for string concatenation throws OutOfMemoryException

We mostly tend to following the above best practice.

Have a look at String vs StringBuilder

But StringBuilder could throw OutOfMemoryException even when there is sufficient memory available. It throws OOM exception because it needs "continuous block of memory".

Some links for reference StringBuilder OutOfMemoryException

and there are many more.....

How many of you faced this problem or aware and what did you do to resolve it?

Is there anything I am missing?

P.S: I wasn't aware of this.

I have rephrased the question.

*** The same thing worked with manual concatenation(I'll verify this and update SO). The other thing that caused me concern was that there is enough memory in the system. That's the reason I raised this question here to check whether any one faced this problem or there was something drastically wrong with the code.

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rajesh pillai Avatar asked Dec 12 '08 18:12

rajesh pillai

People also ask

Is StringBuilder better than concatenation?

It is always better to use StringBuilder. append to concatenate two string values.

Is StringBuilder faster than string concatenation C#?

As you can see in Figure 1, concatenating strings using StringBuilder is much faster, consumes much less memory, and uses fewer garbage collections in all generations, compared to using the '+' operator to combine two or more strings.

Why StringBuilder is faster than string concatenation Java?

StringBuilder is faster because StringBuilder is a mutable class while Sting is an immutable class. In StringBuilder we can use the + operator mean you can append by the same object so it is much faster. In the String class if you append then it should be created a new object.

4 Answers

The underyling string you create will also need a contiguous block of memory because it is represented as an array of chars (arrays require contiguous memory) . If the StringBuilder throws an OOM exception you woludn't be able to build the underlying without it.

If creating a string causes an OOM, there is likely a more serious issue in your application.

Edit in response to clarification:

There is a small subset of cases where building a string with a StringBuilder will fail when manual concatenation succeeds. Manual concatenation will use the exact length required in order to combine two strings while a StringBuilder has a different algorithmn for allocating memory. It's more aggressive and will likely allocate more memory than is actually needed for the string.

Using a StringBuilder will also result in a temporary doubling of the memory required since the string will be present in a System.String form and StringBuilder simultaneously for a short time.

But if one way is causing an OOM and the other is not, it still likely points to a more serious issue in your program.

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JaredPar Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 19:11


If StringBuilder is going to throw an OutOfMemoryException in your particular situation, then doing manual string concatenation is NOT a better solution; it's much worse. This is exactly the case (creating an extremely, extremely long string) where StringBuilder is supposed to be used. Manual concatenation of a string this large will take many times the memory that creation of a string with StringBuilder would take.

That said, on a modern computer, if your string is running the computer out of contiguous memory your design is deeply, deeply flawed. I can't imagine what you could possibly doing that would create a string that large.

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TheSmurf Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 19:11


How much memory are we talking about? I'm not talking about free or total memory in the system, but how long is the string you're concatenating?

A memory overflow exception is almost always a very bad sign about your code, even if it fails long before the memory actually runs out, like you've experienced due to continous memory not being available.

At that point you should really restructure the code.

For instance, here are various ways to combat the problem:

  1. Do not keep as much data in memory at one time, put it on disk or something
  2. Break it up, keep a list of string/stringbuilders and only add to them up to a certain length before switching to a new one, keeps the "continous memory" problem at bay
  3. Restructure the algorithm to not build up gigabyte of data in memory at all
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Lasse V. Karlsen Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 18:11

Lasse V. Karlsen

If you are running soclose to your memory limits that this is even a concern, then you should probably think about a different architecture or get a beefier machine.

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Kibbee Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 17:11
